It’s incredibly racist for these white urban Easterners to treat Indigenious people out west like they are inferior to them and must submit themselves to eco-colonial ideology and do as commanded with their own land.
The National Telegraph interviewed Mayor Don Scott of the regional municipality of Woodland Buffalo, who was recently in Ottawa, advocating for the approval of the new Oil Sand mine for the benefit of his community, the rest of Fort McMurray and all the First Nations that approve the new Teck Frontier mine.
“It’s a great hobby. A lot of people are becoming interested now too. I do a lot of new shooting courses for new shooters that don’t have their license. By the time I’m done with them, they’re like ‘Oh yeah, I’m going to sign up’ and then most of them call me up and say ‘Hey, I got my license. I got a gun. Let’s go shooting!’”
Not only are these blockade illegal they run counter to the majority of affected Indigenous people on the trail of the pipeline, the majority of which approve of the project, and urgently await the economic benefits of participating in the construction of the pipeline.
Regardless of the ideology of the NDP when it comes to energy projects it may not tactically smart to have the only NDP MP in Alberta also take shots at the Teck mine. If the NDP hopes to keep a foothold in Alberta it may be wise for them to not attack the provinces economy.
The Conservative Party leadership race is now well underway with three candidates officially approved by the Party and eight more declaring their intention to run. While many prominent figures have declined to run, including Rona Ambrose, John Baird, Candace Bergen, Pierre Poilievre and Jean Charest, a few higher profile candidates like Peter McKay and Erin […]
The eco-activists involved in the current anti-pipeline protests have brazenly maintained their illegal blockade against the main artery of the Canadian economy. There is no arguing that these protestors have used illicit means to proceed and accomplish their own political goals. Without the constant flow of critical goods and materials, Canada is at risk of […]
The Bloc Québécois proposed a motion to outright kill the Frontier Teck mine that they will later officially introduced into parliament later this week. This proposal to stop the Teck mine project is one of three motions the Bloc are set to debate in parliament in their next opposition day, but the party has not […]
Even though Bradley’s petition, sponsored by MP Glen Motz, was far more successful than the Liberal’s version, with mostly only organic support fueled by unpaid media coverage, the pro-gun control community can’t help but try and undermine the massive results.
In what has become the absolute perfect political storm in Canada, due to one LNG pipeline project out in Northern British Columbia, Quebec may finally learn what it is like to be Alberta. Alberta is typically the only province to bear the real brunt of the radical environmentalists who attack its economy through protest and […]
[…] National Telegraph […]