Obasan: Leslyn Lewis is the conservative choice

Written By Tunde Obasan, Posted on June 10, 2020

I have been following the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) Leadership race closely from the onset, and have since asked myself the following:

What is the most crucial outcome the CPC is looking to get out of the leadership race?

Which of the candidates is best positioned for achieving number one above?

As a CPC member, I understand that as a party, we are looking to elect a leader who will be able to do the work to reinstate the Canadian economy, as well as fix Canada’s reputation on the international scene. While these are important, we also need to ensure that we elect a leader strong enough to be a force against the Justin Trudeau government. Winning the next election will not come easy, but with the right Leader like Leslyn, the battle is half won. 

Winning the next election would mean that, CPC has a leader:

  • Who is very qualified for the role, and we need to understand that being a current or past Member of Parliament is not a yardstick to measure this. Instead, we need someone who had occupied positions of leadership with local and international exposures and experiences to do the job.

  • Who focuses on unifying rather than dividing and someone whose profile attracts support and votes based on visible qualities and values.

If we fail as a party to elect a leader who can attract all voters, including the set of voters who voted for the Liberals in 2015 and 2019, we might be jeopardizing our chances of winning the next election. I am confident that it will not be in the best interest of Canadians.

This is a call to all CPC members, particularly the undecided voters, to consider supporting the best of the four candidates, Dr. Leslyn Lewis.

Tunde Obasan

One response to “Obasan: Leslyn Lewis is the conservative choice”

  1. shawn d mcnicholl says:

    I fully agree, Dr Lewis would absolutely have the best chance of defeating the Liberals in the next election. The liberals are very deceptive and mis-leading to the point they have fooled the centre voter base into thinking they are doing a good job , when in fact the opposite is true, just look at the current polls. Currently Dr Lewis is not the leading contender in the party, but she is the most popular of the four candidates when Canadians were polled. Only Dr Lewis can convince Canadians that Trudeau is fake with her strength and integrity.