CBC and Liberal MPs Create Moral Panic over MAGA Hat but not Blackface

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on January 13, 2021

In the aftermath of the Capitol Building being stormed on January 6, and the vast majority of Republican politicians and conservative media figures condemning the violence and attempted insurrection, the CBC and Liberal MPs in Canada have adopted the event as a club to use against Canadian Conservatives.

Candice Bergen, Conservative MP from Manitoba, was attacked recently by various Liberal MPs like Mark Garretsen who see her wearing a Make America Great Again hat as being some sort of vile offence.

Garretsen even included the hashtag “#stopthehate” in one of his tweets directly accusing Bergen of some form of bigoted conduct for wearing a hat worn by millions of President Donald Trump’s supporters in the United States.

Liberal MP Adam Vaughan, among many others, also got involved in smearing Bergen on Twitter, implying the Globe and Mail was somehow legitimizing the implied “hate” the Canadian left was trying to attack Bergen over simply for wearing a MAGA hat.

The Liberal MPs are overtly trying to seize onto American political controversy and hyper-partisan Democrat talking points in order to smear Conservatives in Canada, which no doubt is damaging open discourse in the country when politicians begin to find thin excuses such as these to attack one another.

Of course, no Liberal MP complained about the old photo of Bergen before the Capital Building riot because they knew it was not controversial.

Vaughan in one tweet responding to an article by John Ibbitson, criticizing it by stating “it is not inaccurate to identify white supremacists who support the conservative movement and ask CPC leaders why they pander to these people,” which is make the clearly absurd argument that any hateful person that supports a party is the responsibility of the party even if the party shares none of their hateful views. 

The mainstream media also takes part in this sort of implication of hate on the part of Conservatives. The CBC even wrote an article that was headlined, “Manitoba Conservative MP Candice Bergen silent on photo showing her wearing MAGA hat,” with the subheader of, “Portage-Lisgar MP responds only with statement condemning violence incited by Donald Trump” which not only states dishonestly that Trump “incited” the violence (it can be argued he raised tensions but not direct incitement) but also acts as if Bergen condemning the violence was somehow not enough even if it is arguably getting to the root issue that spawned the CBC article.

All this is quite silly and ironic when you take into account the fact that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was treated with kid gloves by the CBC and other left-leaning media during his blackface scandal in 2019, and not one Liberal MP dared imply he was supporting white supremacy.

I personally don’t consider Trudeau a racist for the blackface scandal, just empty-headed and too self-centered to view his actions from another person’s perspective, but if you were to raise a moral panic about white supremacy, how can you ignore the actions of Trudeau?


Of course, at the end of the day the Liberal politicians and members of the media really don’t care about the “hate” they assert is represented by Bergen wearing a MAGA hat, they simply want Conservatives to be pushed out of the public discourse and turn them into hate-figures people must shun. 

These same Liberals celebrated Trump being removed from Twitter and criticized Conservative leader Erin O’Toole and others for having Parler accounts. At the end of the day they want Conservatives, no matter how milk-toast they may be, to be pushed leftward or be silenced through literal censorship or cultural censorship. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “CBC and Liberal MPs Create Moral Panic over MAGA Hat but not Blackface”

  1. Justin Blackface says:

    Adam Vaughan always was a TROLL…