POEC Commission Declares Trudeau’s Use Of The Emergencies Act “Appropriate”

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 17, 2023

The report released by the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) headed up by former Supreme Court Justice Paul Rouleau declared that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to clear the trucker protest in Ottawa last year was “appropriate.”

(Read Andrew Lawton’s thread on Twitter if you are interested in reading some of the lowlights of the POEC report)

Of course, this is a disappointing decision for anyone supportive of the Freedom Convoy 2022 protest, and the peaceful goal to peacefully protest until the federal government removed the travel mandates and scrapped the ArriveCan app.

While both of those goals have been achieved since last year, in large part because of the public opinion shift against lockdowns and mandates, spurred on by the convoy, it is disheartening that the commission act as a shield for Trudeau’s reputation.

Rouleau concludes his opinion with a quote from former Minister Perrin Beatty who originally introduced the Emergencies Act in Parliament back in the 1990s, who stated:

When the country is threatened by a serious and dangerous situation, the decision whether to invoke the Emergencies Act is necessarily a judgment call, or more accurately a series of judgment calls. 

It depends not only on the current facts of the situation, but even more on judgments about the direction of events are in danger of moving and about how quickly the situation could deteriorate.

The quote goes on, but if that is the massive vaguery that Mr. Rouleau is willing to drive his justification that the Emergencies Act’s use was appropriate, then in the future basically no justification is ever needed.

Minister Beatty clearly was indicating the Emergencies Act should only be used for dangerous situations that could further deteriorate. Rouleau is letting Trudeau off the hook merely on the grounds that if he believes, or claims to believe, the Freedom Convoy could have gone in a bad direction, then he is justified in sending in the police to beat protesters and order the major banks to freeze protest supporters’ assets. 

Everyone viewing the Freedom Convoy, especially in the last week of the protest in Ottawa could attest to the fact that the overall very mellow mood was not at risk of breaking out into a January 6th-style riot. The truckers and their supporters were totally fine with sitting peacefully in front of Parliament for as long as it took for Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to end their authoritarian mandates. It really was a model protest over such a contentious issue. 

Rouleau never really seems to make many legal arguments in favour of the use of the Emergencies Act, rather just punts and says Trudeau is technically allowed to use it based on the pure hypothetical potential for bad things to happen. The report also justifies actions such as the bank account freezes based purely on the fact they were useful to the government for clearing Ottawa, but never comments on whether it was justified in response to a peaceful protest.

Rouleau upon the release of the report stated:

After careful reflection, I have concluded that the very high threshold required for the invocation of the Act was met. When the decision was made to invoke the Act on February 14, 2022, Cabinet had reasonable grounds to believe that there existed a national emergency arising from threats to the security of Canada that necessitated the taking of special temporary measures.

It should be noted that although Rouleau may have always been planning on going soft on Justin Trudeau, many of the legal representatives of the convoy during the POEC did not help make a solid case against Trudeau either. Many questions did not focus on the use of the Emergencies Act including strange attempts to throw some convoy organizers under the bus during cross-examination, which only helped to take the focus away from Trudeau. 

Overall, supporters of the Freedom Convoy for the foreseeable future will have to continue to fight back against false media narratives about the Ottawa protest, which will only now be bolstered by Paul Rouleau’s shallow report. Not everyone has to like the convoy to acknowledge that it did not justify Trudeau sending the police to beat protesters and try and ruin them financially.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

4 responses to “POEC Commission Declares Trudeau’s Use Of The Emergencies Act “Appropriate””

  1. Ann says:

    I guess the hearings weren’t really required after all. Could have saved a lot of time and money.
    I’m not comfortable with just one person making that decision.
    And what about the consequences Trudeau chose to pay the truckers back?
    To freeze their bank accounts? I can’t see the majority of Canadians accepting this heavy handed approach.
    Trudeau is a heartless, childlike, dictator wannabee. And Ruleau played right into his hand.
    Like giving an arsonist a jerry can of gasoline and a big box of matches. He too is a merciless, Trudeau minion.
    Canadians can’t catch a break!

  2. Andy Raeber says:

    Why are we surprised? All it takes to convince the powers, is little bits of paper, based on nothing, with some numbers on it. We live with DEMONS all around us. I don’t say this lightly, but the truth is in plain view.

  3. NancyW says:

    The Truckers and their supporters will always be heroes to me. This is another bad mark on the Chinese WEF run and supported, Trudeau Lieberals.
    Just questions from a comment I read on another article, "Was this wrong IMO so called Judge a relation of Trudeau?? or is he an owned puppet too?? but I suppose with all the secrecy and redactions on any of this puppet governments information we will never find out what the real truth is, again.
    I wonder if this is why Brenda Lucky stepped down? And is it true that Dion is also stepping down? since this WEF government has no ethics, and the RCMP or was it really the WEF’s Antifa instead carrying out this brutality on our heroes for freedom but the RCMP no longer works for Canada or the Canadian people it seems?

  4. Fring Misogynist Terrorist Genocide Wager who is probably Racist says:

    Don’t know whether to kill myself or others. I am ashamed to be Canadian, more ashamed for you. Justin wants a civil war, we will facilitate his wishes. This ends now!