Pierre Poilievre Announces He Will Be Running To Become Canada’s Next Prime Minister!

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 6, 2022

Carleton Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre after days of speculation on whether or not he was going to run to become the Conservative Party leader after Erin O’Toole was removed from leadership has announced he will be running to become the CPC leader and one day the Prime Minister. 

Poilievre in his announcement video articulated a conservative worldview that emphasizes freedom from government.

He stated that:

Together we will make Canadians the freest people on earth. With freedom to build a business without red tape and heavy tax. Freedom to keep the fruits of your labour and share them with loved ones and neighbours. Freedom from the invisible thief of inflation. Freedom to raise your kids with your values. Freedom to make your own health and vaccine choices. Freedom to speak without fear. And freedom to worship God in your own way.

Poilievre is expected to be the person to beat in an upcoming Conservative leadership race as he has a reputation for pushing back hard on Justin Trudeau and the Liberals when other Conservative MPs seemed to say little. 

He is particularly famous for his strong advocacy against the Liberals during both the SNC Lavalin and WE Charity scandals, the latter of which spawned what is probably his most viral moment to date, that being the “blacked out” press conference.”

Poilievre is likely the most successful person ever to be the Finance Critic, as his dissection of the Liberals’ corrupt behaviour led to the then Finance Minister Bill Morneau resigning in order to deflect from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s role in the scandal. 

More recently Poilievre has been strongly outspoken in his support for the Freedom Convoy 2022 and against the legacy media trying to smear them based on singular instances of bad behaviour in their mass movement.

Poilievre even went after Trudeau directly in Question Period for wearing blackface while the Liberal Party tries to smear the truckers as “racist” or “extreme.” 

Poilieve running for CPC leadership is likely going to be received by conservative Canadians as a breath of fresh air for the party. Many current and former CPC members have been alienated by the Red Tory establishment which seems to disdain social conservatives and not fight hard for fiscally conservative positions, or gun rights. 

It will be interesting to see who else announces they will be running to become the Conservative Party leader and which insider factions of the party they appear to be representing. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “Pierre Poilievre Announces He Will Be Running To Become Canada’s Next Prime Minister!”

  1. John Fergus says:

    Thank you so much for sacrificing your family life as to help clean up this mess, l personally have enjoyed watching you fight the corruption although be it never getting anywhere due to our outdated system, it’s now time to make the changes necessary to protect our freedoms as well as our charter of rights by equal representation and rebuild our Great White North 😊😉🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇨🇦🕶