Justin Trudeau Could Fall on his Face if he Calls a September Election

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on August 4, 2021

Rumours have been swirling around on whether or not Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be calling for an early fall election in September, which the writ would be dropped for soon, or if he will be forced to hold off because of the environment of fear he in part has created around COVID-19.

Whether or not Trudeau calls an election will likely depend on if he believes there is a big enough window between the media-hyped third and fourth waves of COVID-19 that he can hold an election without having his public health-panicked base turn on him.

As silly as it was to watch NDP leader Jagmeet Singh demand that the Governor General refuse to accept Justin Trudeau’s request for another election, Singh at least seems to understand that his only way to grow in the polls is by playing to the media narrative that COVID-19 is the most dangerous single thing in the world and holding an election would be grossly irresponsible. 

Singh seems to have already grown in popularity from his hardline lockdown stances, especially since pretending that he was the pivotal force in increasing CERB payments back when the Liberals passed emergency benefits for unemployed Canadians last year. 

Of course more conservative Canadians find all of this public health theatre extremely annoying at this point and want to get back to normal, but it may be a good thing that the Canadian left stays obsessed with COVID-19 as it may prevent Trudeau from being able to call an early election and have any chance at a majority.

If Trudeau calls an election and it causes even a 2-3 percent polling slump, although it would not result in the Conservatives or NDP having any chance at forming a government, it would mean the Liberals would blow a lot of their popularity sending Canadians back to the ballot box to maybe grow their minority position by only a half dozen seats.

Despite the Liberals being poised to take some Conservative seats, due to the growing irrelevance of the Conservative party under Erin O’Toole, Trudeau would be making those gains while the NDP flipped Liberals seats orange in downtown Toronto and Vancouver. 

So despite all the news that Trudeau is looking to potentially hold an election in September, he may also just be making moves that make it appear like he may call an election just to see how the media, general public, and other parties react to see gauge whether the environment is right to try and win back the majority he lost in 2019. 


If Trudeau waits then he could potentially jam Bill C-10 through the Senate when Parliament reconvenes which many see as being an attempt to allow the CRTC to mandate backdoor censorship of the internet by making social media and video platforms promote pro-Liberal content, and suppress alternative Canadian media. 

Regardless holding off on an election may be what the conservative movement in Canada really needs. If Liberal voters are stll too scared of COVID to allow Trudeau to hold an election without dumping in the polls, it gives more time for real conservatives to grow alternative political parties like the PPC, and Derek’s Sloan’s new party, or push the Conservative Party significantly back to the political right, as O’Toole seems to have proven Canadians don’t want every major party to be on the left. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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