Derek Sloan Says “Do not cancel your party membership” After his Removal from Caucus

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on January 20, 2021

Derek Sloan in the aftermath of the Conservative Party of Canada caucus voting to remove him as a Conservative MP is urging supporters to stay in the party and to participate in the 2021 CPC convention.

Currently, the votes for and against Sloan being removed are unknown.

The Western Standard had several high ranking members of the Conservative Party, including MPs, anonymously tell them that what motivated to remove Sloan was unsurprisingly was not the donation non-controversy, but was instead because Sloan and The Campaign Life Coalition were encouraging pro-life and socially conservative CPC members to apply to be delegates at the convention. 

Ousting of Sloan over the nonsense charge was assumed to be meant to anger social conservatives into canceling their delegate applications for the convention and maybe even cancel their memberships.

Sloan in an email to his supporters gave instructions on what do to next:

No matter how callous and misguided today’s actions by Erin and my colleagues were, we have much work to do in the next two months as we prepare for the policy convention in March.

Throughout the next few weeks, there will be “virtual delegate selection meetings” where you will be able to vote for your riding’s delegate who will represent you and vote on your behalf at the convention.

I would like you to help vote for the most conservative delegates possible. To do this you must remain as a party member.

Even if the CPC emails you today, offering for you to drop out and cancel your membership, do not do it!

Sloan is taking going forward with an entirely different strategy to continue to exert his political influence than Maxime Bernier did when he voluntarily left the Conservative Party.

It seems that Sloan believes, whether he can get back into the Conservative Party someday or not, that he can exert the most influence among conservatives in Canada by encouraging people to persist within the party rather than joining Bernier’s PPC or starting his own party.


When Derek Sloan started a Facebook Livestream, after he was ejected, the frustration and anger from his supporters was obvious as his short video had more than 1,400 concurrent viewers by the time it ended.

Erin O’Toole may think he has dealt with a problem inside his own party, and the supremacy of his more centrist ideology, but he may have also just made himself a much larger problem by refusing to tolerate the strong conservatism of an MP like Derek Sloan.

No doubt there will be more to come from this controversy in the coming days.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “Derek Sloan Says “Do not cancel your party membership” After his Removal from Caucus”

  1. Eileen McRae says:

    I already cancelled my membership in the party following the resignation of Andrew Scheer. I do not plan to go back, so I am currently searching for a party that will reflect my conservative values of honesty, integrity, respect for life, including that of the unborn, equal justice for all, freedom of speech and of assembly, an end to lobbying by special interest groups, an end to ”politically correct” speech, parental freedom of choice in the education of their children, respect for the environment but not at the expense of the economy, an immigration policy that is measured, just, and one that does not overburden the taxpayer, accountability and transparency in all government actions, etc.

    As of the moment, there is absolutely no political party that measures up to that.