Before February 20th tell the Liberals what you think of the CBC

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 13, 2020

This is a friendly reminder from myself and The National Telegraph team that up until February 20th, you can let the federal government know what you think about the CBC during their consultation. The link is right here; do with it what you will.

The consultation was initially started back in 2019 on November 29th, as taking public input into account is required for the CBC/Radio Canada to renew its broadcasting licence. This is tied to their federal funding, amounting to about $1.1 billion in 2018, 9.9% higher than its 2017 funding.

The government website says, “We’re seeking input about the programming of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Société Radio-Canada (CBC/Radio-Canada) as part of the process to renew their broadcasting licences. CBC/Radio-Canada’s current license will expire on August 31, 2020. We want to make sure that the content produced and distributed by CBC/Radio-Canada reflects the diversity of Canada’s population while meeting its needs in both official languages.”

The website assures respondents, “We invite all Canadians to share their views on the content produced and distributed by the national public broadcaster.” 

Media bias/fact-checking sites have pointed out that the CBC is typically a centre-left news organization, and it has been for years. As a publically-funded institution, the government needs to hold CBC accountable, by representing a wider spectrum of views.

Conservative Canadians have a particular disdain for the CBC in large part of their bias, which is likely to protect their public funding. Our coverage on the 2019 Alberta fires highlighted such bias.

CBC consultations thumbnail.png

Have your voice heard and let the CBC know what you think of their supposedly unbiased programming. Be vocal on what amount of public funding is tenable for the content produced.

For anyone in the Ottawa area, there will also be a public consultation hearing happening on May 25th, where CBC and government representatives will supposedly hear your comments and answer your questions about the role and performance of the CBC. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

7 responses to “Before February 20th tell the Liberals what you think of the CBC”

  1. Wayne Sharko says:

    Defund the CBC.

  2. Ben Morse says:

    Canada is well served by many media outlets. The time has arrived to let the CBC florist or flower on its own. The money’s forwarded to this organization would be better spent on health care or housing for the homeless or water purification for first nations. And the list could go on. The time has arrive to be prudent with our spending.

  3. Andre says:

    One sided program that can no longer be trusted. Time to cancel.

  4. R Peebles says:

    CBC is the worst news station in the country . I grew up with only CBC and won’t ever listen to it again even if it was the only station inCanada . It also is just a government (liberal) station no more honest reporting of both sides just the government side Reminds me of a communist radio station just government propaganda

  5. misty johnston says:

    alot of it is fake and One sided so i have stoped watching it

  6. R. Albers says:

    Get your head out of Trudeau’s rear end and help Canada get rid of the traitor!

  7. Herman Brown says:

    I totally agree with R.Albers,your head is buried so deep in Justin Trudeau,s rear end the effects of his bio waste is turning your brain into mush,think of your kids and grandchildren first before accepting payoffs from a brain dead PM who don’t have Canada and canadians best interests in mind.