New Gun Smuggling Documentary Destroys Liberals Gun Grabbing Narrative

Written By Karl Fluri, Posted on May 6, 2021

A recent CityNews documentary, VeraCity: ‘The Gun Chase’, has served to shine a light on the situation surrounding the rise in gun crime in Canada’s major cities. Despite the recent government’s legislation cracking down on legal firearm ownership in Canada, the documentary shows us just how it is easier than ever to buy an illegal firearm on the streets of Toronto. 

This has been widely known for years, despite the Liberals concentration being only on taking firearms away from law-abiding Canadians; going so far as to repeatedly delay, even at times oppose legislation that has proven to be effective in fighting the flow of illegal firearms.

The issue is not only with the federal party but with staunch advocates of the government actions across some of the hardest-hit municipalities. Cities such as Toronto have banned street checks, a once functional system at curbing gun violence, on top of which Toronto city council is looking for provincial approval to pass Trudeau’s ridiculous handgun ban.

Since 2014 Toronto has undergone a steady rise in gun violence. This is largely due to a reversal of policies that were first implemented by the Toronto city police chief, and now Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Minister, Bill Blair; a man who has had a large role to play in drafting the ineffective legislation implemented by the Liberal government.


In 2005, Toronto rolled out the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS), along with a system of street checks. In the years that followed, from 2005-2014, Toronto saw a steady drop in shootings; from 262 in 2005 to 177 in 2014.

In 2014, the program was cut due to allegations of racial bias, since then Toronto has undergone a steady rise in gun violence with shootings going from 177 in 2014, to 492 in 2019.

Although Canada has some of the strictest gun laws in the world placed on its citizens, including the Liberals’ new Bill C-21; this investigation has uncovered that “getting a gun has never been easier for some segments of the population, namely criminals.”.

Cristina Howorun, from CityNews Toronto, did a great job uncovering the truth in this hard-hitting piece. Tracey Wilson, Vice-President of Public Relations for the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights, had the following to say regarding the segment,

It’s almost a rare occurrence now, to see a piece in mainstream media that isn’t biased activism, but that’s what you get with The Gun Chase. It’s a deep dive into the source of crime guns fuelling the violence in our streets and we were not surprised in the least at the results. Cristina Howorun from City TV News in Toronto spent months investigating the truth about gun violence in Toronto and produced an independent, definitive piece that highlights the real problems plaguing our communities, and the facts that no politician will address it. At the end of the day, Canadian gun owners want the same thing every other reasonable Canadian want, a safer Canada. This show should be on the “must watch” list for every politician, at every level.

One of the most eye-opening parts of the documentary for the average Canadian is the human aspect. Much like the reasons surrounding their advocacy for strong gun control, Canadians are largely motivated by human interest stories, not wanting to see their fellow citizens put in harm’s way. Perhaps now that the truth can be viewed by anyone who cares to, there will be a stronger push towards an effective means to deal with the issues facing Canadians.

The documentary featured an interview with Dwayne Beckford, who is currently being held on gun charges in Toronto’s East Detention Centre, where he opened up regarding the reality Toronto is facing when it comes to the true source of gun crime, 


“Everybody has them like I said. It is scary how much there are, how easily accessible they are. Kids have them,” Beckford said, “They’d be cheaply bought, or just handed to you by guys in the neighbourhood. Everybody has a gun these days. You talk to some guys that can easily give you what you want – to borrow, or hold, or buy.”

The documentary uncovers the ease with which the guns can be bought on the streets, or even online, through amazon-type services on the dark web. But even more, concerning is the rental market that appears to have exploded over these last few years.

Founder of the One by One Movement, Marcell Wilson states, “There’s everything you can think of from the $80 rental, that may be like a 30-year-old sawed-off shotgun that you can buy for as low as $200 to, you know, AK 47’s, AR 15’s, which are more rare.”


Wilson knows the ins and outs of both the community and the streets fairly well, he has been involved in organized crime in Toronto since he was very young, even becoming the head of the Toronto chapter of an international gang; his criminal exploits have brought him into the gang networks of Columbia, Peru, and Panama. He now works to help his community, especially young people, avoid getting caught up in the same life, as well as being a vocal advocate for changing the system to address major issues.

Wilson says, despite having not been a part of Toronto’s criminal network for years,  “I could find a gun in a couple of hours”, and that those who use such rental services are, “not even worried about getting caught with the weapon with X amount of bodies on it. That doesn’t even matter anymore”. Due to these facts over 80% of crime guns in Toronto are now illegally smuggled, and Toronto Police are seizing large caches of illegal guns, and drugs, almost daily.

Yet, the Trudeau government only seeks to double down on their strategy of disarming law-abiding Canadians; which only makes them all the more vulnerable to these well-armed criminals. Hopefully, with information such as this finally seeing more mainstream exposure, the politicians and gun-control advocates will finally listen to what the gun lobby has been saying for years.

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Karl Fluri

7 responses to “New Gun Smuggling Documentary Destroys Liberals Gun Grabbing Narrative”

  1. Neil Batchelor says:

    We are always hopeful that the Liberals will finally a-woke from their complacent slumber and realize that their policy of the last 6 years including all of the work that Minister Blair has done in that same period is both misguided and effectively useless. That is likely a hope on the order that Kim Jong Un will abandon his dictatorship and embrace democracy for the good of his people. Like KJU, Trudeau has spent too much political capital to backtrack on his agenda now, even if continuing is the Jungian archetype of insanity. As indeed it is. Instead, Trudeau will continue his now timeworn practice of doublespeaking C-71 and the feckless OIC ban of last year through to implementation. This will be followed by an expensive and massively under-funded confiscation campaign in order to prove that he can keep at least one campaign promise of the many that were touted heavily in his platforms of the last two elections. This too will be a frighteningly miscalculated boondoggle that will leave the billions wasted on the Liberal government’s mercifully deceased Long Gun Registry looking like change lost in the family settee. Trudeau has made a habit, supported by those bastions of fiscal restraint: the NDP, of spending taxpayer funds as if money grows on each and every Canadian tree on the continent, and with zero accountability to the Canadian people. No, I’m very much afraid that Howorun’s excellent and well-researched discoveries will bypass the Liberal mind like the smoke from a burning Fraser Institute study, or the choked sputterings from the Commisioner of Ethics. What else could you expect from a mind so burdened with such a surplus of intra-cranial airspace?

  2. IAN says:


  3. Dan says:

    The liberal socialist party will never back down on legal guns. They want to steal them from law abiding owners to protect society, they say. It’s all bovine scatology. They want to take them from law abiding citizens to protect themselves from those same citizens.

  4. David says:

    I believe that the real liberal party cannot show itself until all weapons are removed.

  5. Jacques hebert says:

    Two criteria are an absolutely essential for any Dictatorship to succeed…Gun confiscation and Censorship.
    Need I say more???

  6. Jacques hebert says:

    A typo edit feature would be appreciated.
    Two criteria are absolutely essential for any Dictatorship to succeed…Gun confiscation and Censorship.
    The Canadian Liberal Government has now become CCP governance…the Confiscate and Censor Party.

  7. ROBERT LYVER says:

    Our Liberal government id a joke along with Bill Blair. Carding MUST be reintroduced!