The Anti-Defamation League Have Become Democrat Party Shills

The ADL should be focused on fighting actual bigotry, nothing else. But that is not what has happened under this leadership, and there are no signs that it will be changing anytime soon. As long as this pattern is continued, of only singling out Republicans for bigotry and nonstop attacks on free speech, it places their legitimate work in danger. Why should anyone, especially those on the right, listen to, or respect such a blatantly partisan group? For the erosion of faith in the ADL to stop, they must stop their partisan attacks and go back to treating all bigotry the same.

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Trump Brokers Peace Deal Between Sudan and Israel

These new deals by Trump, aside from the significance of being “peace for peace” as opposed to “peace for land” as the earlier ones were, are in the hopes of establishing warm relations between the respective countries. Already it has been confirmed that Israelis and Emiratis will be able to visit each other’s countries visa-free for up to 90 days. 

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Trump Tramples Biden on Foreign Policy

His crown jewel on the global stage, is his Middle East policy. Historic peace agreements between Israel and the Arab world, drawing down troops embroiled in seemingly endless conflicts, even negotiations to end the Afghanistan war. Amazingly, thank G-d, 2020 has seen the lowest number of US troops dead in that war since it began in 2001. He has not started any new Middle East wars.

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Biden, not Trump, needs to Disavow his Radical Political Connections

What Trump must do whenever he is asked about this in the future, and he must even bring up himself at future debates and whenever he is able to, is Joe Biden’s terrible record on hate groups and hateful statements. Trump must entirely flip the script on this “denounce and disavow” game. To be clear, I don’t think that anyone should be asked to denounce or disavow anything or anyone, unless they have previously stated or expressed any form of support for them.

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Will Trump’s Peace Deals Bring Self Sufficient Israeli Military?

Another point to remember, there are many rising figures in the Democrat Party who are hostile to Israel, including near-Democrat Presidential nominee, Bernie Sanders. If they were to God forbid take control of US foreign policy, Israel may be immediately cut off from all the aid, leaving them in a very vulnerable situation. In this situation, Israel ends up completely high and dry, as most of its arms imports are from the US and their own innovation and industry won’t kick in fast enough to fill the supply need.

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