Chrystia Freeland Rumoured To Be Resigning Soon

Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is rumoured to be planning to resign in the next couple of weeks and may accept a job at The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). An Independent Journalist known as The Pleb Reporter on Twitter said he had received multiple sources in government telling him that Freeland […]

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Pierre Poilievre Is Going On The Offensive Against Justin Trudeau On Firearms Issues

The good thing to come out of the O’Toole era of the Conservative Party is that the current CPC leader, Pierre Poilievre, has seemed to have learned the right lessons. Polievre has taken a strong stand in favour of firearms rights while also expanding the image of what responsible gun ownership looks like.

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Trudeau’s Polling Has Slumped Hard, And He Blames Canadians For Being “Racist”

Yes clearly Canadians are not upset about the out-of-control inflation, Liberal Party corruption, and restrictions on firearm ownership and free speech the federal government is pursuing, every Canadian not selecting the Liberals in phone polls suddenly just became big old racists.

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The Ivan Provorov Situation Proves The Media Hates Religious Liberty

Philadelphia Flyers defenceman Ivan Provorov did not want to take part in a special warmup event and chose to stay in the locker room. This is where this story should have ended, but the hysterical dullards in the legacy media are demanding people be outraged by Provorov’s personal decision because it involved not wanting to take part in a “Pride Night” celebration.

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Supposedly Anti-Woke MP Michelle Rempel Attacks Parents Protesting “All Ages” Drag Show

Calgary-Nose Hill MP Michelle Rempel Garner’s pose as an anti-woke politician did not last very long. Despite just a few months ago standing up in Parliament and declaring “enough with the woke s***” Rempel has gone back to her socially left-wing ways and is once again attacking parents who don’t share her transgressive views on what is and is not appropriate.

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Freeland Spending $2 Billion On Non-Existant Company Is Worse Than McKenna’s Misplaced Billions

Although what McKenna and the Liberal government did on that public works program demonstrated their utter lack of competence, and raises issues around further financial impropriety due to the lack of accountability, on an ethical level this still pales in comparison to what our current Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland just did in late 2022. 

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The Alberta NDP Dropped Their Labour Base In Favour Of The Woke Whiners

Notley and the NDP  were able to pull off an upset victory in 2015, but because the traditional labour faction of the NDP effectively failed to win reelection in 2019, it seems that the woke faction of the NDP has taken the initiative and is now leading the party by the nose into the 2023 election.

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WATCH: Freeland Called Out For $2 Billion Being Spent On Non-Existant Corporation

Apparently, Freeland is establishing a new corporation out of nowhere in order to manage this new massive sum of money, but no Act exists that would lay out the duties and limitations of such a corporation. This is very different from what the Bill stated, which would give the Canadian public the impression Freeland was purchasing shares in an already established green tech investment firm for the Canadian government. 

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Former Liberal Finance Minister Says Trudeau Pandemic Spending Was All About “Popularity”

Morneau effectively admits to trying to actually keep spending somewhat responsible in the Liberal government but Justin Trudeau and those in his office would prevent the rolling back of unnecessary or even toxic pandemic spending in order to maintain popularity. 

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MAID Is What You Get After Decades Of Unrestricted Abortion

Having unrestricted access to abortion in Canada for over 35 years, with only the conscience rights of individual doctors as a barrier, has made it so that a large portion of Canada’s population sees nothing odd about people having Canada’s public healthcare system off them due to disabilities, minor injuries, or mental health issues. 

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