The Liberals are Surging in the Polls Because There is no Opposition

This seems to be not a reflection of the popularity of Liberal government policy, since one would assume dislike of Trudeau’s leadership would translate to stagnant Liberal polling numbers, but their growth seems more or less proof of the fact that apathy is the strongest political force in Canada these days. 

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Canadians Only Have One MP Calling for Lockdowns To End

Is there anyone else of the other 337 MPs in Canada’s Parliament that is willing to stand up against the irrational belief that the country can continue living under lockdowns forever in order to avoid coming in contact with a virus not dangerous to the vast majority of people? No, not really.

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Black Lives Matter: Racial Supremacists Loot Business and Government

In reality, Cullors case is quite egregious in how quickly she went from a local racial activist to living in luxury, but the extent to which these radical race-baiting huckers and grifters have turned divisive and false narratives around race into a full-on industry is jaw-dropping.

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Jason Kenney is Tanking in the Polls by Frustrating both Conservative and NDP Voters

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has put himself in a rather strange position. In his attempts to please the mainstream media news cycles around several issues he has gone for such a middle-of-the-road route on everything he has failed to make anyone happy, particularly his own party’s base. 

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O’Toole Refusing to Oppose Sex-Selective Abortion Shows he Lacks a Moral Backbone

Based on the polls, if any decently well-organized party made one of its main platform planks as being opposed to sex-selective abortion they would dominate the social policy debate. Seriously what would Trudeau, Singh, O’Toole, Blanchet, or Paul be able to say in favour of not banning a practice that mainly targets unborn girls for being girls? That would be an optics nightmare for all of them.

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Erin O’Toole and Conservatives’ Silence on Grace Life is Deafening

The Conservatives don’t even have to fully endorse the actions of Grace Life Church in order to seize onto the golden opportunity to simply condemn a church being made an example of by AHS and the RCMP far beyond what the law would require the punishment to be for violating provincial restrictions, whether you agree with them or not.

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Doug Ford’s Government Violates Its Own LockDown Restrictions…Again

As Ontario continues its downward slide towards economic insolvency amidst this increase of blatant corruption, the public’s patience is now razor-thin.  This incident is another example of how the coverup is worst than the crime. 

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Healthcare Theatre: Alberta Government Fences Off Grace Life Church

Canadians’ Charter Rights seem to have taken a backseat to the healthcare theatre of politicians trying to show the lefty mainstream media how much they can pretend to care about health and safety while throwing the entire economy under the bus.

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Progressives Freak Out after Arkansas Bans Gender Transitioning for Kids

In what should have been non-controversial legislation, the Republican-dominated Arkansas state House and Senate overturned the veto of Republican Governor Asa Hutchinson which attempted to block a measure to prevent doctors from providing hormone treatment, puberty blockers, or surgery to anyone under the age of 18 for the purpose of transitioning genders.

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Ford Forces Ontario back into Lockdown – Kenney Refuses to Ease Restrictions

Although very rational arguments against lockdowns and the further sacrifice of the economy to theoretically reduce the spread of COVID are there to be made, neither Kenney, Ford, or most other Conservatives for that matter, are willing to make the argument, and to the detriment of Albertans, Ontarians, and Canadians overall. 

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