Canadians Only Have One MP Calling for Lockdowns To End

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on April 24, 2021

Derek Sloan, Member of Parliament for Hastings-Lennox & Addington, rose in Parliament yesterday to demand that for the sake of the economy, children’s mental health, and that “quarantining the healthy helps no one” that the federal government needs to stop endorsing the strict lockdown regimes all over Canada.

Is there anyone else of the other 327 MPs in Canada’s Parliament that is willing to stand up against the irrational belief that the country can continue living under lockdowns forever in order to avoid coming in contact with a virus not dangerous to the vast majority of people? No, not really.

There is literally not a single other MP in all of Canada that will demand that lockdowns across the country end, while it seems like more and more Canadians are becoming fed up with federal and provincial police-state type rules. Polling is showing a steep drop off in support for the Premiers with the toughest and arguably more needless restrictions across Canada.

Michelle Rempel seemed to come the closest to even being in the ballpark of where seemingly most Canadians are at these days when she demanded in Parliament for the federal Liberals to create a plan to open up the country, but even that is not a call to end lockdowns rather just a typical politician’s way of finding complicated ways of doing nothing. 

Conservative Party MPs should be those most critical of the ridiculous restrictions everywhere and the continued border closure with the United States, but they tend to criticize the Liberal’s COVID-19 response for process issues. 

They will hit the Liberals for not getting vaccines fast enough or not closing the border earlier, and on the provincial level Conservative MPs are dead silent on the response even when Premiers like Doug Ford, Jason Kenney, or John Horgan cause public outrage. 

Pierre Poilievre at one point himself alluded to the issue of the federal government and provincial government’s public health measures hurting the economy but never actually attacking the issue directly.

Conservative MP David Sweet has been strongly against lockdowns in a personal capacity, but outside of strong statements on Twitter, in terms of Parliamentary statements he has only been able to make one statement condemning lockdowns and has not engaged in attending anti-lockdown events. It should be noted that the first of the below tweets Sweet later apologized for making not long ago.

MP Sweet’s statements are appreciated but his ability to advocate against lockdowns is likely suppressed, explaining why he probably has never joined the anti-lockdown Liberty Coalition.

It wouldn’t be a surprise if most Conservative MPs were against the lockdowns, but restrained from sounding off about those issues because their leader Erin O’Toole is more concerned about the mainstream media’s coverage than being correct. Even in the fencing up of Grace Life Church O’Toole seemed to disallow his caucus from speaking out about it, missing yet another obvious case that demonstrated the excesses of government-imposed lockdowns.

On an official level, nobody but Derek Sloan has actually criticized the nature of the lockdown plans, the draconian laws, and criticized the government for spreading fake news about helpful  COVID-19 treatments for those who are not yet vaccinated.

It shows the sorry state of affairs in Canadian politics when half of Canadians have to share one Member of Parliament because the other 327 is either too beholden to the party or too scared of the media to advocate strongly against the hyper-progressive establishment led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

It raises the question of who you can even vote for who can both get elected and actually stay your MP without just becoming an establishment / media pawn?

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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