Jagmeet Singh’s Political Career Is Falling Apart

It would be surprising at this point, based on how much we have already seen Jagmeet Singh’s political career unravel if he was the federal NDP leader going into the next election. 

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Radicals on Waterloo School Board Suspend Trustee For Disagreeing With Gender Theory

Essentially Ramsey was targeted by other members of the board despite being a veteran of the board himself, having served on it since 1989, and being a highly qualified school teacher, likely because he made “transphobic comments” on the internet, based on the last time other board members went after him.

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Former Liberal Finance Minister Says Trudeau’s Economic Priorities Are “Baffling”

Former Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau went after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the other day in a rare public speech since resigning from office after being thrown under the bus by Trudeau and the PMO for the WE Charity scandal. 

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Justin Trudeau Is Standing On The Graves of Children To Try And Disarm Canadians

In the aftermath of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, a horrific crime that largely failed to be prevented due to slow police response, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is attempting to use the deaths of the children and teachers in order to disarm Canada’s firearms owners.

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Roman Baber Makes A Fool Of CTV Host On Liberals’ Anti-Free Speech Agenda

Former MPP and currently Conservative leadership candidate Roman Baber recently appeared on Evan Solomon’s show Question Period on CTV News where he proceeded to make a fool of Solomon on the issue of free speech censorship being pushed by Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government.

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Jagmeet Singh Runs From Sikh Canadians in Brampton Calling Him “Sellout Singh”

Federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh at a provincial election campaign stop to help promote Brampton West NDP MPP candidate Navjit Kaur did his best to avoid members of the local Sikh community who came out to the event to ask him tough questions about his positions on mandates and other areas of policy where they believe he has undermined the community.

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Roman Baber Schools CBC Host On The Failures of Lockdowns and Dr. Theresa Tam

Former MPP Conservative Party leadership candidate Roman Baber recently appear on the CBC with Rosemary Barton, host of “Rosemary Barton Live” where he proved how little the Canadian legacy media is willing and able to speak about the negative effects of lockdowns and other restrictions placed on Canadians over the last two years. 

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The Doug Ford PCs Have Become Little More Than A Bloated Liberal Political Machine

Add on top of all that the fact instead of scrapping the per-vote taxpayer subsidy for elected politicians Electoral District Associations the PCs doubled them makes it easy to see that the PCs have become a political machine whose only goal is to win elections.

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Justin Trudeau’s Emergencies Act Narrative Is Falling Apart And Shows He Is A Wannabe Tyrant

No doubt that Trudeau may have caused his biggest scandal yet through his impulsive decision to get rid of the Freedom Convoy and try and produce some good media coverage for his government. As more information comes out it is being clearer that Trudeau has tendencies of a petty dictator and is willing to corrupt Canada’s institutions and use police violence to get his way.

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Leslyn Lewis Says As Prime Minister She Will Scrap ArriveCAN Medical Tracking App

Today in an email to Conservative Party members, Haldimand-Norfolk MP and leadership candidate Dr. Leslyn Lewis pledged that if she becomes prime minister she would scrap the ArriveCAN medical tracking app Justin Trudeau’s government put in place. 

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