Conservatives, where are our morals?

“Funding is expected to come out of the school board budgets, money that school boards are struggling to come up with from their limited budgets.” To put it plainly, all these programs were designed to assist children who have severe disabilities or delays to help them operate in a more open environment. This early intervention will have lifelong benefits that cannot be taught at a later age. 

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What will Canada do to revive economy?

The rise of a new cottage industry would mean that local suppliers and local supply chains would stimulate growth. This would even work on a community scale. The shared resources from a community in one or various industries would be used for promotion and advertisements or shared shipping.

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Beaumont residents deserve answers after multiple neighborhood shootings

We all deserve to have some answers. Who was this person? Why was the name not released? Was their gun license suspended? And if this individual is a minor, did the parent take the appropriate security measures when it came to these firearms? Will the 6 homeowners be compensated?

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What should change after the pandemic?

As Conservatives, we talk a lot about family values. Because that’s at the heart of everything we are fighting for. Unfortunately, though, we forget in this crazy barely making ends meet a world that we sometimes put other things in front of family in the name of family. I myself will be guilty of that.

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No more everything made in China

This will require lots of self-discipline on that part of us the consumer. It means we will have to spend a bit more money on these items, but it does mean that we would get much better quality and be supporting Canadian companies.

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Canada shouldn’t give welfare to corporations outsourcing to China

It’s time to stop putting the almighty dollar as the reason that we do everything as a society. Capitalism taught us to work hard, which is admirable, but we cannot pursue trade with countries whose morals are corrupt and are working hard to undermine Canada. Otherwise, we’re just being the suckers.

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After COVID-19 is it time for healthcare reform?

Even though it’s hard to see right now, the COVID crisis gives us opportunities for the future. Opportunities to look at who we are and why we follow the paths we do currently. We are conservatives, there might be different types of conservatives reading this article, but we are conservatives overall. There are a few big questions we need to be asking ourselves, that should bring about changes when this is all over.

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Opinion: The Conservatives’ Perception problem cost them

Rather than speaking to Scheer’s family’s struggles in his early years, he spent the bulk of the campaign either deflecting on same-sex marriage and abortion or attacking Trudeau’s record. The mudslinging brought out the worst of our representatives and polarized the general electorate further.

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