Jason Kenney Lied about Alberta being “open for good” and Needs to Resign

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on September 17, 2021

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney along with Health Minister Tyler Shandro, and Chief Medical Officer Deena Hinshaw in a press conference on Wednesday evening suddenly reversed course on their “open for good” strategy for COVID-19 and suddenly plunged the province into new “health emergency” restrictions.

The new restrictions are quite long and complicated but in a nutshell, the province is pushing businesses, places of worship, and event centres to severely reduce their maximum occupancy to around 30 and those people still must wear masks and distance, with the only alternative being a vaccine passport program. 

Unvaccinated people are discriminated against heavily and are banned from all indoor gatherings, which no doubt violates the Charter and Bill of Rights in multiple different ways.

The full press conference is embedded below:

Kenney and his team are not calling their vaccine passport program a vaccine passport program but to all Albertans, the reversal is obvious from their previous position.

The claim from Kenney and his health officials that somehow the passport program is voluntary because businesses choose to implement it is ridiculous as the alternative to not implementing the passport is likely financial ruin for many businesses that need to be able to operate at full capacity in order to survive. 

Vaccine passports have even been shown to not be effective in reducing infection rates, which is why the United Kingdom has now reversed course and is cancelling its domestic passport program. Cloth masks, especially when taken in and out of people’s pockets, are also not effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19 and the Delta Variant.

Supposedly Alberta needs to put these restrictions in place in the new health emergency in order to prevent ICUs around the province from being overwhelmed. 

The CEO of the AHS Verna Yiu said that Alberta only had 297 ICU beds and 270 of those beds were occupied by patients on Tuesday.

David Dickson, a former Liverpool police officer, who now runs a cybersecurity firm in Alberta through a FOIP request found out that Alberta had more than 100 ICU beds on the records in previous years. Dickson’s findings raise the question of whether or not Alberta’s ICUs are being overwhelmed by COVID patients as much as bureaucratic incompetence has artificially reduced ICU capacities?

Kenney himself back in April of 2020 had said that Alberta’s ICU capacity could have been increased to more than 1,000 beds, yet somehow AHS only has 297 ICU beds in use. 

It seemed slightly unbelievable that now Alberta’s ICU is at risk of being overwhelmed after more than 70 percent of the population has been vaccinated, and infections are still not higher than they were in April and January. 

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What should not get lost in all of the details of the new Alberta emergency health restrictions is that Premier Jason Kenney did not keep his word that Alberta would be “open for good.” Any elected official that has lied and gone back on his word as much as Kenney has does not deserve to stay in office.

Kenney should resign and let a more competent leader and real conservative run the province who will keep society open and not use the badly managed ICUs being overwhelmed as an excuse to implement unconstitutional restrictions on Albertans. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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