Manitoba Government Announces Release of “Immunization Cards”

Written By Karl Fluri, Posted on June 8, 2021

Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister has announced that the province will be rolling out its new immunization cards; focused on the COVID-19 vaccine. Though, unlike your old immunization card/record, this new card will come with certain “benefits”.

The cards come in both digital and physical forms, the digital copy is provided immediately upon applying, and a physical copy can be mailed to the address on the applicant’s Manitoba health card; neither of these cards are said to hold any personal health information, they will only contain the applicant’s name and a scannable QR code to confirm they have been vaccinated, officials said.

The card will be available two weeks after having received the second dose of the vaccine, and will grant carriers the ability to avoid self-isolation requirements when returning to Manitoba from another province. 


Pallister added that families with children under the age of 12, and fully immunized parents, will also be exempt from isolation requirements, “So if you’re looking to take a couple of noisy little kids on a car trip, you can come back home and you won’t have to isolate.” 

Pallister said he believes the immunization card and the limited freedoms it brings will be an effective way to encourage people to get the shot: 

Manitobans have told us that getting back to the things they love and miss is one of the biggest incentives to getting vaccinated… As a government, we are doing everything we can to bolster vaccine availability and accessibility, and equipping Manitobans with the information and support they need to make the right decision to protect themselves, their loved ones and their community.

Apparently, according to those in positions of authority, “the right decision” for everyone (no matter their risk) is getting vaccinated. This is exactly why these same people have chosen to take that which they know the populace cares about most, and hold it beyond reach as a carrot to ensure we all fall in line.

When asked directly about the possibility that this system could infringe on the rights of certain individuals, specifically those who can not get the vaccine, like Manitobans with certain health issues, Pallister responded:

We don’t want to take away rights and freedoms from people. At the same time, COVID is doing that for us. The sooner we can get as many as possible vaccinated in Manitoba, the better off we’re all going to be… We’re all in this together, and I hope we can stay together. I don’t want this card to be used as a divisive thing, I want it to be seen for what it is, an additional benefit to folks who choose to get a second vaccine, not anything but that.

Pallister has at times shown his bias towards these vaccines, even flat out ignoring questions posed to him regarding promising treatment options such as Ivermectin, to discuss domestic vaccine production, “we’re pursuing domestic research that we hope can lead to better vaccine availability in the future.. We have production, of course, in Manitoba it’s our leading industry.”

The province has even announced grants of $1 million, up to $20,000 each, for businesses, arts programs, education centres, sports or cultural organizations, and religious or community centers that can reach the “vaccine-hesitant”.

Furthermore, these immunization cards will allow individuals to once again visit their loved ones in hospitals, or personal care homes, by expanding visitation for cardholders; essentially holding our loved ones hostage. 

Another bonus already in place is that anyone identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case is exempt from self-isolation if they’re fully vaccinated; the province also states that additional benefits should be expected to be added in the weeks to come.

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When asked if these cards would be used for access at provincially run centres such as casinos or museums, Pallister stated that he would have more to say once the government has confirmed their new reopening plan; but that, there are many possibilities. The Premier has confirmed that the reopening plan, much like that of Ontario’s, will be based on specific benchmarks such as positivity and vaccination rates.

Pallister has said that nothing has been confirmed yet, but work is being done to ensure Manitobans can give proof in other provinces and vice versa; meaning other parts of Canada are likely to see their own plan implemented soon.

Karl Fluri

One response to “Manitoba Government Announces Release of “Immunization Cards””

  1. sheldon says:

    This is gross. I will withhold taxes till they use the real guns on me. Canada is not free, Quit gaslighting my kiddos into thinking it is. You disgusting science deniers will create a two tierd system as you want. I will simply not be lied into medical treatment…. I am 99% effective and the b.s efficacy of vaxx is 95% of suppressing symptoms. I just feel for my fearful non thinking Canadians with blind trust that are pushing this onto the rest of us