UCP Caucus Chair Todd Loewen Asks Premier Jason Kenney to Resign

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on May 13, 2021

Late last night MLA Todd Loewen and United Conservative Party caucus chair released a letter to Premier Jason Kenney declaring that not only did he feel he could no longer carry on as caucus chair as he had lost confidence in the leadership of Kenney.

Loewen cited that the UCP had begun not even meeting and that “significant decisions of government have been made without notice to members and our input as elected members is rarely considered,” going on to say that Leowen believes resigning his position was the only way he could speak freely.

MLA Todd Loewen (Photo from Daily Herald Tribune)

MLA Todd Loewen (Photo from Daily Herald Tribune)

Loewen is directly mirroring much of the frustration of the majority of Albertans who had become disillusioned over the years by Kenney’s high handed leadership style of simply doing what he wanted without any sense that he consulted his caucus or the public, which has intensified during COVID-19. 

Former UCP caucus chair Loewen went on to state.

The caucus dysfunction we are presently experiencing is a direct result of your [Jason Kenney] leadership. Messaging from your government has been contradictory, confusing, and needlessly inflammatory. Alberta now faces a troubling economic crisis with historically high unemployment, dying small businesses, and staggering levels of debt. The people of Alberta have lost trust in this government because you have not brought needed balance and reason to the discussion. Alberta and our UCP members deserve better.

Loewen continues going over Kenney’s record of acting arrogantly in the past months, abandoning real Conservative principles, and that Kenney’s leadership could see the once strong United Conservative Party fall apart because of the public souring simply on him alone.

It isn’t a shock that eventually Kenney’s own caucus would begin to rebel against him and many Albertans knew it was merely a matter of waiting and putting pressure on their local MLAs before someone like Loewen would drop the hammer.

If someone like Loewen, who has not given previous indications that he has lost confidence in Kenney’s leadership, is now coming out publicly against him that means there are likely far more MLAs that are also fed up and that Loewen as the former caucus chair is simply the first shot across Kenney’s bow to give him a chance to resign before a full caucus rebellion takes place. 


Especially with the ongoing jailing of pastors and small business owners in Alberta with little to absolutely no receipts proving there would be public health benefits to banning their religious services or stopping their business from operating, Kenney was not going to survive a leadership review the next time the UCP had a convention. 

Loewen finished off his open letter to Kenney stating:

While you promote unity, it is clear that unity is falling apart. I know many Albertans, including myself, no longer have confidence in your leadership. I thank you for your service, but I am asking that you resign so we can begin to put the province back together again.

Loewen’s full letter is posted below.

Alberta would be a lot better off without Kenney at this point and he likely will not remain in the premier’s office for more than a week now, which may also say something about other Kenney allies around the country like federal Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole, and Ontario PC Premier Doug Ford.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

2 responses to “UCP Caucus Chair Todd Loewen Asks Premier Jason Kenney to Resign”

  1. Terry Smith says:

    Wow thank you!! We the people have lost any confidence we had in him!! I voted for him feeling he would make Alberta great but instead has disappointed me and I know many other people are hurting so bad! He has helped to take away our jobs, education for our children has declined so bad that we need to start getting it back up to help our children!! Using his power to make us do the things that we should be able to make the decision ourselves! This is called Freedom of Speech and to make the choices that we feel can make our country great again!! People are losing their faith and some are talking of suicide (if not already done so) depression is so great now that people don’t know where to go to get the help because it is not there anymore!! Not being near our loved ones and being able to be there for them!! THAT IS OUR FAMILY WE WANT TO BE THERE FOR!!! You never even talked to the people to get their opinion on how you wanted to handle this pandemic!! Why any politician was involved is beyond me!! Never were they involved in any other pandemic!! They don’t have the medical knowledge to take over!! And then hire the ones that will work for you and not we the people!! Is this the province you want our children to grow up in!!! Can’t play anymore with other children even knowing they won’t get this and if they did they would have a great survival rate!! To get to see a doctor is almost impossible now. Surgeries are so back logged they will die of the other medical problems that are not being attended to! PLEASE RESIGN AND GIVE US OUR LIVES BACK!!!

  2. Marvin Fisher says:

    Best news of the day hope this takes place immediately, sick and tired of the lies surrounding this bs illness and using this as an excuse to break us down economically and removing our rights and freedoms… Let’s get on with life as normal and not the new normal either.