Dr. Dennis Modry Urges Peaceful Civil Disobedience to Combat Unjustified Lockdowns

Written By Paul Mitchell, Posted on May 10, 2021

Not that long ago one of Alberta Premier Jason Kenney’s key advisors and supporters was the celebrated Alberta surgeon Dr. Dennis Modry.  However, this relationship came to a crashing halt when Kenney chose ever-stricter lockdown restrictions as his preferred solution to the Covid-19 predicament. 

In response, Dr. Modry wrote an Open Letter to Kenney — questioning his policies — which has now been viewed by huge numbers of people across Alberta and around the world.

Since this time, Dr. Modry has become one of Kenney’s loudest critics as things have gone from bad to worse with the Alberta government shutting down businesses, churches and now even arresting those who won’t obey the constitutionally dubious Alberta Covid-19 restrictions. 


This Saturday at the Whistlestop Cafe in Mirror Alberta, Modry addressed a large crowd of pro-freedom and anti-lockdown protesters.  Not only was Modry critical of Kenney’s many policy failures, but he was now openly supporting the Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta, and claimed the next Premier of Alberta would be fellow protest speaker and Wildrose Leadership Candidate Paul Hinman.

In an exclusive interview with The National Telegraph, Dr. Modry stated citizens have a moral obligation to disobey unjust laws, and that police similarly have, “a moral responsibility to disobey the enforcement of unjust laws: the unjust laws that we’re all facing with these lockdowns.”

Modry went on to argue that peaceful civil disobedience will be a key moving forward for citizens combating the Kenney UCP lockdowns, “If every single business in the province, every church opened up that would be a pretty profound message that Albertans weren’t going to take this anymore.”

When asked about the science behind the pro-lockdown narrative, Dr. Modry flatly stated that There is no evidence right now that justifies the lockdowns.  In fact, there is evidence to counter the effectiveness of lockdowns.”

Responding to concerns about overwhelming the healthcare system and ICU spaces, Dr. Modry said we are nowhere near that happening currently, and suggested that rather than pursuing counterproductive lockdown measures, the real answer to mitigating any systemic healthcare problems is for Premier Kenney to begin implementing long term strategies: 

Particularly building out new ICUs and staffing them…. That solves two problems: dealing with any surge from Covid-19 or another pandemic but also dealing with the very long waiting lists that we are all facing.

Paul Mitchell

One response to “Dr. Dennis Modry Urges Peaceful Civil Disobedience to Combat Unjustified Lockdowns”

  1. Valmarie LaRocke says:

    Thank God for people like you