Doug Ford’s Government Violates Its Own LockDown Restrictions…Again

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on April 8, 2021

On April 2, Ontario Premier Doug Ford implemented strict Covid19 lockdown restrictions in Ontario, now referred to colloquially as a shutdown.  This government-imposed lockdown has occurred despite increased concerns from some health officials around the world as to the effectiveness of heavy restrictions and inconclusive data that may suggest lockdowns exacerbate the problem and help Covid19 spread. This while simultaneously causing catastrophic economic damage to Ontario and Canada.  Ontario is one-third of Canada’s entire economic output.

Doug Ford’s Ontario Progressive Conservative Party backed him uniformly on this move to lockdown the province for the third time, although it is important to note that current members of the Ontario PC are seen to have little choice.  Progressive Conservative MPP’s Belinda Karahalios and Roman Baber have both been ejected for raising questions about excessive powers, and asking if the cause of death to skyrocketing mental health issues could be indirectly caused by previous Covid19 restrictions respectively. 

Former Conservative MPP Randy Hillier, ejected from the conservative party for unrelated grievances prior to Covid19, has also been a strong opponent to lockdowns. However, it is important to note MPP Hillier now an independent MPP, remains a member of his local Conservative riding association which some political insiders suggest is highly unusual and unprecedented. 

While the remaining members of the Progressive Conservative caucus may be backing Ford’s plans in public, it seems some privately do not support the Ontario government restriction that they themselves and implemented.  One recent example is current Ontario Labour Minister Monte McNaughton.

Less than a day after Ford announced the new restrictions On April 4th, which also banned gatherings family gatherings, Conservative MPP Monte McNaughton drove to Grand Bend, Ontario ()A couple of hours north of Toronto) with his immediate family to stay overnight with relatives through the Easter long weekend.

MPP McNaughton must have been aware that his actions were in direct violation of the restrictions he publicly supported.  This reminds many voters of a similar situation in which then Minister of Finance MPP Rod Philips who also publicly supported Covid19 restrictions during the Christmas season, falsely posted on social media that he was at home yet was caught on vacation in St. Barts. St Barts is a well-known Caribbean destination reserved for the most affluent and elite.  

Mr. McNaughton’s Twitter posts were either a grave mistake or intentionally deceptive as MPP McNaughton seemed to go out of his way to assure his constituents that he was at his home in Strathroy even though his post was published at least two hours after he had arrived at parents home in Grand Bend.  

The National Telegraph was tipped off by a source in Grand Bend and the source was extremely upset that MPP McNaughton would violate his own restrictions. “He [MPP McNaughton] has several posts about his private family dinner today on Twitter but it does not include his dinner with his senior parents here in Grand Bend. “He was violating their own policy by being at the cottage today. It is frustrating because I have been through hell with my parents dying in LTC during Covid” said the anonymous source.

After The National Telegraph posted MPP McNaughton’s whereabouts Mr. McNaughton’s press secretary sent an email to The National Telegraph demanding The National Telegraph remove the post “immediately,” stating that MPP McNaughton was in his riding of Strathroy.

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Shortly after The National Telegraph through an intermediary, received photo confirmation from earlier that day that seemed to show MPP McNaughton’s family van parked outside of his parent’s home in Grand Bend.  

The person who took the photo said “I live somewhat close to the cottage he was at today.  His parents own it. Early this morning he pulled in with his wife and daughter. They walked inside.”

Upon receipt of photo confirmation, The National Telegraph responded to MPP McNaughton’s press secretary for confirmation if the address belonged to Mr. McNaugton’s parents asking if McNaughton was indeed in Grand Bend. MPP McNaughton’s office has yet to respond.  

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This seemingly irrelevant scandal is seen by some as minuscule in the greater context of Covid19. However, in the broader context of economic devastation to Canada, the lives, businesses, and careers have been ruined by the government’s authoritarian reaction to Covid19 has made the topic of deceptive politicians a source of outrage for many irrespective of political persuasion.  

The repeated behaviour of deception by some members of Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative party, including Doug Ford himself violating his own restrictions in 2020 has been the source of much anger and frustration. This consistent deceptive behaviour by members of Canada’s political class has broad-reaching implications across the country and risks driving further support for new emerging political parties.

What will be the remedy for this deceptive behaviour? Will Premier Doug Ford hold himself and his government to the standard they set for the rest of Ontarian’s?  Will Premier ford expunge MPP McNaughton as he did to MPP Karahalios, MPP Baber, and MPP Hillier when he didn’t approve of their behaviour?  

As Ontario continues its downward slide towards economic insolvency amidst this increase of blatant corruption, the public’s patience is now razor-thin.  This incident is another example of how the coverup is worst than the crime. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “Doug Ford’s Government Violates Its Own LockDown Restrictions…Again”

  1. Debbie Dunseath says:

    What is M. Ford doing with this information and blatant disregard for the lockdown? My 97 year old mother spent Easter in LTC. She cries daily for family, her loneliness due to imposed lockdowns has caused irreparable anxieties. Her freedoms removed, her family replaced with four walls and a television and meals alone.
    No apologies from me on the distain I feel for the lack of empathy and display of privilege that Mr. McNaughton has demonstrated.
    No NOT okay to not hold him responsible