Anti-Convoy Witnesses Whine About “Uber Eats” and “Microaggressions” At Emergencies Act Inquiry

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on October 16, 2022

So far during the Public Order Emergency Commission, also known as the Emergencies Act Inquiry, we have only heard from liberal activists and politicians, and so far nobody is doing Justin Trudeau or his federal Liberal cabinet any favours.

Although many of the liberal witnesses testifying probably think they are helping to sink the reputation of the Freedom Convoy, thus justifying Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s upcoming testimony as to why he invoked the Emergencies Act. In reality when you really break it down, so far all the witnesses have just been whining about first-world upper-class problems. 

Not to belabour the details too much we will just focus on the highlights of the testimony so far, which is primarily the only stuff anyone is going to remember about the entire inquiry anyways. 

First, some very clearly liberal residents of Ottawa, including Zexi Li who filed a class action lawsuit against the Freedom Convoy, spoke about their experience living around the protest, which included one woman pushing the hilarious notion that she still hears “phantom honking.”

Although you cannot disprove what someone says is their personal experience, it seems a tad unbelievable that she was super bothered by the honking this long after the convoy protest seeing as the truckers mostly stopped honking their horns after day three. 

It then was revealed during another woman’s testimony that she noted in her evidence submission to the inquiry that the convoy had affected life in Ottawa that Uber Eats’ service was down, which was just factually untrue, evident from the fact convoy attendees used the app to have food delivered into the protest zone. 

Uber Eats could have been down momentarily during the three-week-long protest, but not long enough for any media to report on it, or seemingly anyone but she noticed. 

She also claimed that she was frightened by the Freedom Convoy because former Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly said he was scared, again with no corroborating evidence Sloly had ever said anything of the sort.

Probably the funniest pieces of testimony so far came from Ottawa city councillors Mathieu Fleury and Catherine McKenney.

At one point, Councilor Fleury, who clearly speaks fluent English without much of a detectable accent claimed the Freedom Convoy and specifically the truckers themselves were engaging in “microaggression” but then pretended not to know what that term meant by saying English is his second language.

Councilor Fleury is clearly just trying to use his French background to kick out of having to actually state what a “microaggression” is because the whole concept revolves around trying to define non-aggressive normal behaviour as somehow being aggressive and offensive.

Councilor Fluery then claimed that the trucks parked around the Canadian Parliament are like weapons because of their “large physical nature.”

Councillor McKenney then asserted under questioning that she did not noticed the “gas the unvaccinated” sign covered in swastikas  at a counterprotest he attended. The signs presence makes McKenney and much of the anti-convoy opposition look like hypocrites seeing as they tried to smear the Freedom Convoy and its supporters as “racists” and “extremists” based on one confederate flag and one Nazi flag briefly seen at the protest, flown by people the protest attendees did not want there, and who may have been anti-convoy agitators. 

Although not mentioned by the lawyer cross-examining McKenney, there were also multiple communist flags being flown at the anti-convoy counterprotests. 

(Councilor McKenney is currently running to be Ottawa’s next mayor against Mark Sutcliffe a more centre-right entrepreneur.)

Overall if the Liberals were hoping for the testimony coming out of the Public Order Emergency Commission to hurt the reputation of the Freedom Convoy ahead of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party cabinet ministers’ testimonies.

The anti-convoy witnesses will have to do far better than making claims about “Uber Eats” and “microaggressions” in order to justify the use of the Emergencies Act to violently remove the peaceful protesters around Parliament. 

If anything the testimony so far would make a Canadian sitting on the fence side more with the convoy, seeing as everyone opposed to it so far comes across like upper-middle-class urbanite whiners. This of course contrasts poorly against the Freedom Convoy truckers and their supporters who just wanted to be allowed to live and work freely without being descriminated against for their medical status.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

2 responses to “Anti-Convoy Witnesses Whine About “Uber Eats” and “Microaggressions” At Emergencies Act Inquiry”

  1. True North says:

    Let’s get some highlights on a regular TV channel for a change? How’s that happen?

  2. Guy Parent says:

    While feigning "Covid", so as not to face a panel of representatives representing peaceful protesters, the Prince of Seducers devised a devious a plan to torch the lands. Not only to burn alive those to which they occupied… oh no, but to punish the fringe minority who supported freedom for their nation. He ordered Arab fuel to be dumped upon the hoards and lit them afire. The Prince giggled and danced in blackface and India garb with abandon until the day of reckoning which has hopefully arrived. Almost The End.