The Trudeaus think the lockdown doesn’t apply to them

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on April 13, 2020

On Easter Sunday, it was made known Prime Minister Justin Trudeau broke quarantine after his wife Sophie Trudeau posted a family Easter selfie on Instagram. Trudeau had been staying at Rideau Cottage away from his family up to this point.

Part of the caption Mrs. Trudeau posted along with the photo read, “Even though families across the country are having to get a little creative and celebrate a bit differently this year, we’re all in this together,” which is entirely tone-deaf as the Trudeau family is pictured somewhere many Canadians cannot go.

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Hello dear friends! Justin, the kids, and I wanted to take a quick moment to send you all our love and best wishes this long weekend. Even though families across the country are having to get a little creative and celebrate a bit differently this year, we’re all in this together. So whether you’re able to be with your loved ones or you’re staying connected from afar, we’re thinking of you and keeping you in our hearts… from our family to yours, happy Easter! 🐰💝 Bon dimanche tout le monde! Justin, les enfants et moi voulons prendre quelques instants pour vous souhaiter nos meilleurs vœux en ce long week-end. Même si on doit tous faire preuve de créativité pour célébrer un peu différemment cette année, on est tous dans le même bateau. Si vous êtes avec vos proches ou si vous gardez le contact à distance, on pense à vous et vous êtes dans nos cœurs. Joyeuses Pâques!

A post shared by Sophie Grégoire Trudeau (@sophiegregoiretrudeau) on

Parks, beaches, national parks, and hiking trails are being closed down all over the country, and the Canadian government has threatened fines for those who break quarantine. Most Canadians can only walk around their neighbourhoods to get out of the house and avoid getting targeted by a bylaw officer.

Many businesses deemed non-essential have also been ordered to shut down in several provinces.

Just on Friday, a family in Oakville Ontario was given an $880 fine by a bylaw officer because the father took his three sons out rollerblading, despite being in a near-empty park.

The offence was violating the emergency order issued by the Ontario government that closed all outdoor recreation areas to curb the spread of COVID19.

Other Canadians have also been fined for similarly innocent infractions in the draconian quarantine restrictions, making Trudeau’s carelessness even more glaring.

The Trudeau’s had also posted photos of them Easter egg hunting when in reality for regular Canadians the holiday tradition has been adapted in order to keep families in their vehicles and not actually outdoors.

There is a legitimate discussion taking place in both Canada and the US on whether or not the quarantine laws are too restrictive or not, but as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a role, not only as of the leader to the country but also as a role model.

If Canadians are only able to leave home for essentials and risk getting fines for leaving the house for any form of leisure, it is frustrating to many Canadians when the Prime Minister doesn’t seem to be restricted by any of the same laws.

It was genuinely good for Trudeau to stay at Rideau Cottage by himself after his wife tested positive for COVID19 last month, but the point of being in lockdown and social distancing is that it is continuous and Trudeau doesn’t break it when he feels like, when other Canadians cannot.

To Canadians, it looks like the privileged elites believe the laws are for those lower than them, and Justin Trudeau, he can’t afford any further appearances of disconnection from the general public after several previously unpopular decisions during the COVID19 pandemic.

Either everyone is allowed outside and in public or nobody is. Trudeau needs to get back inside and not publicly flout the laws or advocate for everyone to be able to leave their homes to do perfectly innocent activities like him and his family.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

17 responses to “The Trudeaus think the lockdown doesn’t apply to them”

  1. Marg Tietje says:

    What gives him the right to do what others can’t? Its do as I say not as I do huh

  2. Deborha Sutherland Sutherland says:

    I read the Trudeaus were in Fogo Island Newfoundland this weekend. I thought we were not supposed to travel?

    • Amanda says:

      That article was 2016. Neitherless he and his family should be doing what everyone else is doing n staying home

  3. Deborah Garry says:

    I’ve been self quarantined for my own safety for about a month. It’s not that hard. I can’t say I’d never breach it but it would have to be more important than Zombie Jesus Day dinner and egg hunting.
    Right or wrong Justin didn’t think this through and that lack of insight at this time is worrying.

  4. Jenna says:

    He was at his family home, doing an egg hunt in their backyard!!!! Wtf is wrong with you?

  5. Viki Hedlund says:

    I thought the entire family was at Rideau Cottage with him?!? He wasn’t alone. Shouldn’t “reporters” get their facts straight before inciting outrage?

  6. donna Sinclair says:

    Give me a break, the Prime Minister has been working 24/7 for the people of Canada and he well deserves to have a weekend break with his family they’ve all been in quarantine he is not endangering anyone it’s time the critics stop causing trouble give him some credit for what he has been doing,, I think Canada is behaving more responsible than any other country thank you to our prime minister and our Healthcare supporters and the doctors that are advising him and the country

  7. Jean Marc Leblanc says:

    Wyatt Claypool, learn to use apostrophes correctly ! The Trudeaus

  8. Bryan K says:

    He needs to follow the same rules he’s put in place for us regardless of how hard people thing he is working for us. Lead by example right ? Well not a very good example.

  9. Alexandria Jeans says:

    Really poorly written article. The photo isn’t even recent. Do your research if you want to be taken seriously

    • Amy H says:

      Actually it is the photo that Sophie posted on her instagram on Sunday. So yes it is recent. Trudeau should have stayed in Ottawa. Instead he did exactly what he told other Canadians they couldn’t do; travel to spend easter with family.

  10. Lesley says:

    Thinking this reporter needs to do better research before inciting mutiny. As well as maybe using another set of eyes to edit what’s written…
    The PM and his cabinet have been putting in lots of extra time and effort as this pandemic (the likes of which have not been seen in the world in our lifetime) has unfolded.
    Cut him some slack..he’s sequestered with his family. Lucky him that he is having an Easter egg hunt with his children at his home, in his yard. You folks don’t get to take a swing at him just because he’s a public figure.
    Shame on you!

    • Amy H says:

      Except that he took his entire entourage with him from Ottawa To where his wife and children have been staying. This after telling Canadians they couldn’t go visit family in his speech on Friday. So he is putting every person in his travel detail at risk too.

  11. Mary M says:

    Is this article supposed to be satire? Poor taste given the current climate…

  12. Julianna Dudek says:

    What give’s him the right??? Hi is not doing what he is preaching…!!!
    Him and his party is destroying this country since they are in office. Can he PLEASE just
    Disappear !!!!!

  13. Lillian Wannamaker says:

    Come on people.he was at the same place with his other family members..or are they not allowed to show some happness together? First photo of them all in the same back yard..

  14. Bob M. says:

    It amazes me the lack of knowledge by these commenters saying he did nothing wrong.. The Trudeau official residence is (Rideau Cottage, ONT) , that’s where he is living with his family, when his wife’s 14 day quarantine was over she should have returned, but instead chose to go to their seasonal residence (Harrington Lake Cottage, QC) , where everyone else in ONT is being told not to go to their cottage or attempt to cross into QC unless it is essential. So Trudeau going from ONT to QC for non essential travel was breaking every rule he told Canadians not to do, and since he crossed a provincial border, he should be under a quarantine. Simple thing is practice what you’re preaching and no one will have anything to say.