Democrats Personally Attack the Judge who could Destroy Biden

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on November 13, 2020

Despite much of the American presidential election now riding on court judgements deciding whether late mail-in ballots were valid or not, that decision is very likely to be made by the Supreme Court (SCOTUS) Democratic Congressmen and strategists have taken to attacking the head of the conservative majority on the court.

Justice Samuel Alito was addressing the Federalist Society at an event last night where he talked about his opinions on COVID-19 lockdowns which he called a, “a constitutional stress test,” indicating that he thinks many of the lockdowns are on the border of being unconstitutional. Alito also commented that many of the lockdowns had been negatively impacting Americans’ religious liberties to take part in religious services. 

What drew the most ire from Democrats was Alito’s comments on the Obergefell v. Hodges SCOUTS ruling that legalized gay marriage all across the United States.

Alito said:

“You can’t say that marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Until very recently that’s what a vast majority of Americans thought. Now it’s considered bigotry.”

Alito went onto explain how the Obergefell decision ended up creating a cultural shift where those who disagreed with the decision on both religious grounds, as well as states rights’ grounds, were being personally attacked and the law was being levied against them. 

Democrats quickly took to Twitter to levy charges of “bigotry” at Alito for making those comments, despite Alito speaking from a constitutional and law perspective.

(This is just a sample of noteworthy Democrats)

This may not be strategically smart to do to a sitting SCOTUS judge as Alito tends to lead the conservative faction of the bench with Clarence Thomas, who has his own issues with Biden, and although Judges keep personal politics out of their decisions, the Democrats are creating an environment where they are perceived as not respecting SCOTUS.

Sometimes conservative justices hold back on making constitutionally originalist decisions due to potential political blowback, but if the conservative justices are already getting blowback even before making a decision on the validity of late mail-in ballots and ballots Republicans were unable to observe, then there is no fear to making a decision that causes outrage. The outrage is already here so why would the conservative SCOTUS judges fear public outrage in response to an originalist constitutional ruling.

Democrats overzealous members may be enabling SCOTUS to make a decision that could block Joe Biden’s ascension to the presidency by throwing Alito into the middle of controversy preemptively.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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