
Is Big Tech acting like a Cult?

In response to this act of journalism, Big Tech companies like Facebook, and Twitter decided that they could, without any evidence to debunk the story, block it from being posted as not suitable for the public to see on their websites. 

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Trump Resisted the Fascist Impulse of COVID-19

Over the last few years we have been flooded with op-eds and messaging from partisan legacy media outlets trying to paint President Donald Trump as some form of fascist or one of the other labels from the arsenal of activist pejoratives.  However, the events of 2020, particularly the pandemic, have shown the outrage to be at minimum hyperbolic and at most pure hysteria.

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Biden, not Trump, needs to Disavow his Radical Political Connections

What Trump must do whenever he is asked about this in the future, and he must even bring up himself at future debates and whenever he is able to, is Joe Biden’s terrible record on hate groups and hateful statements. Trump must entirely flip the script on this “denounce and disavow” game. To be clear, I don’t think that anyone should be asked to denounce or disavow anything or anyone, unless they have previously stated or expressed any form of support for them.

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Are Democrats using Trump’s health scare to Block SCOTUS Appointment?

Shortly after mainstream media sources reported Trump’s COVID test results, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) stated in a press conference that Trump’s COVID result should be another reason to delay Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for her confirmation to the United States Supreme Court. Schumer is claiming that it would be unsafe to hold any hearings or vote.

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Trump to designate ANTIFA, KKK as domestic terrorist organizations

Over the next four years this plan is looking to achieve some bold initiatives regarding improving the black community’s access to health care, educational and economic opportunities: including creating three million new jobs for the black community, as well as 500,000 new black owned businesses, along with increasing access to capital in black communities by almost $500B. 

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Leftists Ridicule President Trump After Contracting COVID-19

Trump testing positive for COVID-19 has exposed a major hypocrisy on the political left. Those who are constantly harping on Trump for being “unpresidential,” rude, or uncaring are out in force demonstrating they are exactly what they accuse Trump of being. 

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O’Toole too Afraid to Praise Trump and Historic Peace Deal

In the years of Stephen Harper’s leadership, the CPC would have been very loud in their support for peace between Israel and its Arab Neighbours.  So, when Donald Trump and his team successfully negotiated peace and open relations between Israel the U.A.E and Bahrain, indicating that 9 more countries might sign on, O’Toole and the Conservatives were curiously silent.

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Trump gets an Israel-UAE Peace Deal – Trudeau Ignores the Achievement

The Trump Administration made history on August 13, 2020 when the United States brokered a peace deal between both Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The agreement between Israel and the UAE was under the condition where Israel would stop its ambitions to temporarily stop annexing parts of Jerusalem’s West Bank, which has been under contention from the Palestinians since the “Two-state” solution was first introduced by the Peel Commission in 1936 – and later expanded in 1993.

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Is Derek Sloan the Canadian Trump?

Those people in the LGBTQ community throwing stones at Christians would thus do well to realize they are doing so in a glass house. It is long overdue that the LGBTQ community began to learn that toleration is a two-way street. What kind of “inclusion” excludes the rights and beliefs of one of the largest demographics in Canadian society? What kind of love actively promotes hatred of Christians?

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Conservative-Leaning Social Media Site ‘Parler’ Seeing Massive Surge of New Users, Although Questions Remain

The idea of left-wing bias in social media isn’t new, but has gained recent notoriety in the news as Donald Trump’s Twitter page has begun being partially censored in some cases by Twitter itself. 

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