Federal Election

Going Into 2023, The Conservatives Are Widening Their Lead Over Trudeau’s Liberals

Although it has been said many times before and has been wrong, right now it does genuinely feel like Canadians are becoming tired of Justin Trudeau and the Liberals governing Canada. Trudeau had his ups and downs in the polls before the 2019 and 2021 elections, but for several months now it has seemed like the Liberals are only ever down, outside of a few outlier polls.

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Liberals Refuse To Release Information On Which MPs Received Election Resources From China

Conservative MPs Michael Cooper, Dane Lloyd, and Richard Lehoux all asked the government why Justin Trudeau continues to refuse to publicly release evidence of election interference during the 2019 federal election, but Liberal Parliamentary Secretary Pam Damoff could only respond with platitudes about keeping Canadian elections safe.

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Sources say Justin Trudeau will Call a Snap Election for September 20 on Sunday

It will be interesting to see in a new election, especially one called on such short notice, if newer parties like the PPC, Maverick, and the True North Party (recently started by Derek Sloan) will be able to break through due to the frustration of Canadians and especially Westerners, or if more centre-right voters will still rally behind the CPC despite moving to the left.

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