
Is this America or Venezuela?

Simply Bitcoin: Google’s Latest Victim of Targeted Censorship and Deplatforming “I was in the middle of a stream when YouTube deleted our account,” Nico Moran told me in an interview about the recent deplatforming of his company, Simply Bitcoin, by YouTube. “I don’t get into the crazy stuff we see online; my content and my […]

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Bill C-11 Passes the Senate With Some Amendments, Which The Liberals Threaten To Remove

The one saving grace may be that because the Liberals are so hyper-focused on total censorship of our society, that fact that the senate has amended the original bill and watered down some of the censorship powers. This has caused Minister Pablo Rodriguez to state that the Liberals will not accept the bill as is.

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Glenn Greenwald leaves The Intercept due to Censorship of Biden Scandals

Glen Greenwald is a Pulitzer prize-winning progressive journalist who was the co-founder of The Intercept until just recently when he exited the publication accusing the editors of suppressing his article which asked critical questions of Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden.

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