Massive Protests against COVID-19 Tyranny Scheduled for November 20th

Written By Neil McKenzie-Sutter, Posted on November 19, 2021

This Saturday, November 20th, major protests are scheduled to take place across Canada under the banner of the ‘World Wide Demonstration’ protest movement. 

‘World Wide Demonstration’ events have been ongoing since March 20th, 2021, and have taken place on the third Saturday of each month since. 

Whatever you believe: whether you believe in the specific protest, whether you think protesting generally has any effect on the larger direction of politics, or whether you don’t personally enjoy protests and want to stay away for that reason, the fact is that almost all the legacy media doesn’t want to touch the anti-lockdown protests with a 10 foot pole and some of these events are massive.

These protests have thousands of attendees, but how many exactly? This number, similarly to the COVID numbers, is difficult to ascertain with any accuracy, however unlike COVID, are probably being under-inflated. 

This article from MTL blog rates a recent protest event in Montreal as having 7.8K attendees, but this info is just based on the number of people who RSVP’d on the event on Facebook and to be fair to this outlet it seems the author doesn’t think that figure is correct.

This Toronto Star article rates the attendance at a protest event at approximately 10k but in May, although the numbers differ based on what sources you read, as it’s a similar story to the Montreal story where it may have been. 

Of course, also, these protests are not just being held in Canadian cities but really are being held on a worldwide scale, and are often quite a bit larger. For example, we’ve seen some absolutely massive protest events in London England, Paris France, Rio de Janeiro Brazil, Sydney Australia, as well as others. 

This month’s demonstration is being seen by many as an opportunity for the worldwide community to stand in solidarity with European countries facing increased restrictions on their freedoms as several of these countries had seemed to be easing restrictions, most significantly Austria, which is the most brutal: police officers have been authorized to question people anyone in public to show ‘proof of vaccination,’ and those ‘unvaccinated’ have been essentially confined to house arrest. 

In this Reuters article about a protest event organized in France for the purpose of standing in solidarity with Austrians: no Reuters, I just don’t think I’m going to take your word that there were ‘hundreds.’ 

Check out the website for ‘World Wide Demonstration’ here if you’re interested to find out more about the event or are thinking you might want to attend. Here specifically is the Canadian associated website if you’re looking to find out where rallies are occurring near you. 

These aren’t just occurring in Provincial capitals, so don’t be dissuaded if you want to get involved but don’t want to travel to a major city. For example, in Ontario rallies are being held in North Bay and Whitby. 

I personally will be at the Toronto event to get some coverage of an event most mainstream outlets are apparently too afraid to cover and I hope to see you there. 

Neil McKenzie-Sutter

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