Major Pro-Oil Organization Endorses Derek Sloan over Blake Richards

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on August 28, 2021

United We Roll For Canada (UWR), an Alberta-based pro-oil and gas trucker organization has weighed in on the race in Banff-Airdrie where Conservative incumbent Blake Richards is trying to win himself a fifth term in office.

Although the pro-oil and gas advocacy organization would have endorsed the Conservative candidate in any given race back in 2019. Now in 2021 with Conservative leader Erin O’Toole having the party run on a carbon tax, and supporting the anti-oil Paris Agreement, UWR is endorsing Independent candidate Derek Sloan instead of Blake Richards. 

UWR is best known for their truck 2019 convoy across Canada that started in Red Deer Alberta and went all the way to Parliament Hill where horns were blared in protest of the Trudeau Liberal anti-oil and gas agenda. This was a protest movement that in early 2019 got the endorsement of both Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer and Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe. 

UWR spokeswoman Haley Wile explained why the organization was endorsing Sloan over Richards, stating that:

United We Roll absolutely supported the Conservative Party back in 2019, and that’s because they supported Albertans and the energy industry back then, but now with Erin O’Toole as the leader they just don’t care. 

Derek Sloan is what the Conservative Party should be. He is a strong advocate for Alberta oil and gas, and was the only federal MP who stood up for Canadians’ liberties and small businesses during the never-ending lockdowns. I also like that he hasn’t backed down when the media tries to smear his character to stop him from talking about the issues that matter. 

UWR founder and CEO, Glen Carritt also spoke to Sloan’s character stating that:

Ever since Haley and I met Derek Sloan during the Conservative leadership race we knew he was a man of integrity who you could trust to stand for the right things. It should be a no-brainer for the Conservative Party to stand up for Western Canadians, but Erin O’Toole and his enablers in Alberta like Blake Richards feel like they are able to ignore us and give all their attention to Ontario and Quebec, and we will all just keep voting for them. 

Richards lied to his constituents in Banff-Airdrie, he ran against a carbon tax in 2019, and now he is back in 2021 running on a carbon tax and pretending like he isn’t.

United We Roll is absolutely behind Derek running in Banff-Airdrie to get rid of a counterfeit Conservatives like Blake Richards.

Despite being considered a safe Conservative riding, with Derek Sloan, the PPC, and the Maverick Party all running against Blake Richards, it may be a tough race, especially if Sloan, or other candidates, are able to acquire endorsements that would have previously gone to Alberta Conservatives like the UWR.

What happens in Banff-Airdrie will be an indicator of Western Canada’s openness to a new political alternative like they were to the Reform Party back in the 1990s, so it will be a much more interesting riding to watch than usual.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

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