Alberta Government Claims Hearing what Dr. Deena Hinshaw says is Fake News

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on September 28, 2021

During a September 23 press conference, Alberta Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw said that people who were sick at home and not tested for COVID-19 were being counted as part of the outbreak. The Alberta government is now claiming this did not happen, despite being on video.

The context of the clip was not twisted and required viewers to read information into Dr. Hinshaw’s statement in order to make it troubling. For perspective, even American journalists began sharing around the original clip due to how egregious the statement was, and how it confirmed that some health departments were indeed knowingly fudging infection numbers.

When the Alberta government tweeted out a denial of what Dr. Hinshaw said, they did not provide more context, and instead just stated, “This claim is false. All reported positive COVID-19 cases are confirmed by lab test.”

If the Alberta government seems to be trying to claim that the clip of Dr. Hinshaw is a purely alternative media-created scandal and that people should think it’s false simply due to who reported it when there is no getting around the tape. This is in spite of the fact that even legacy media outlets like CTV News showed the clip of Dr. Hinshaw’s statement on infection numbers.

The government is doing the equivalent of attacking alternative media then telling the public to not trust their lying eyes and ears.

Below is a clip that provides a transcript along with the video and audio to prove without a shadow of a doubt that Dr. Deena Hinshaw did in fact say people sick at home, not tested for COVID-19 were being added to the outbreak numbers.

The Alberta government or AHS did not come out and say Dr. Hinshaw misspoke or she had gotten something wrong, they just flatly denied what people had reported, with video evidence, had been said.

Hopefully, someone inside the Alberta government has now learned their lesson that you cannot try and gaslight the public when video evidence exists. It seems like the medical establishment in Alberta has been on its back foot lately and their excuse-making for inefficient practices and provable misinformation has gotten sloppier over time.


Dr. Hinshaw attempted to clarify her statement by saying that it was in response to tracking outbreaks inside of schools, but it acts as a delineation without a difference. Even if people sick at home are not being added to official infection counts, false labeling people as COVID-positive is still being used to artificially declare outbreaks of COVID-19 in schools where no cases were actually tested for.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

5 responses to “Alberta Government Claims Hearing what Dr. Deena Hinshaw says is Fake News”

  1. Jenn Ricky Smith says:

    So I am not going to repeat what has already been said, people just need to go to the Twitter thread cited ( ) and read the comments there which are helpful, but what is more helpful is viewing about 3 minutes or so of the unedited press conference video here starting at 29:30 without it being clipped where she is responding to a question about how they determine if a school should declare an outbreak, NOT about how they enter numbers into the master list. It is an assessment strategy for schools in terms of knowing when they should intervene for student safety. In this process kids at home that are not tested or refuse to be tested are counted in their assessment in terms of declaring a school outbreak. There is NOTHING about entering those numbers into the official provincial case count and this a pretty good example of logical failures or deliberate misrepresentations by the media (how you answer that question will depend on whether you trust the media person in question). She in fact says that in their determinations WORKING WITH SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION assessing a potential outbreak that a school should respond to, is based more on symptoms and a better safe than sorry strategy. At no point do they say these are entered into official case counts for the province and suggesting they are is simply false or at least unsubstantiated. These are typically long press conferences and frequently people will say things in ways (especially during the q&a) that lend to misunderstandings or more commonly misrepresentation profiteering from predatory clickbait jackals like Kyle Becker. Just go read the comments and watch the unedited video, like I say you only need to watch 3 or 4 minutes to realize they are not talking about official case counts, they are talking about assessing potential school outbreaks and are, I would suggest, doing so in a safe responsible way. It is not science it is risk assessment in a school.

  2. q says:

    @Jenn Ricky Smith

    hey pharma shill, children aren’t in danger from the common cold and flu
    you stupid fucks are going to kill and maim children with your clot shot

  3. Jessica says:

    Our country school declared an outbreak because there too many students missing for 3 or more days. We live in a farming community, it is harvest the kids were in the fields working.

  4. Gaius says:

    Become ivermectin positive by contacting 🙂

  5. Rtms says:

    They are still fudging the numbers because they still say any absents from school is considered Covid! They won’t consider other reasons and schools are out on unnecessary breaks.