Lightbound, much like the current Conservative Party leader Candice Bergen, called for there to be a realistic timeline for the government to lift mandates. Lightbound also added that he had felt uncomfortable with the way his party had been trying to divide Canadians based on medical status since the beginning of the last election campaign.
In November of 2019, the regime murdered over 3000 protesters who were out on the streets asking for their basic rights and freedoms. So far, the Trudeau government has killed zero protestors. It would be dishonest to say that we are on the same part of the road as the Islamic Republic in Iran, but it looks to me like Justin Trudeau is warming up the car.
Carleton Member of Parliament Pierre Poilievre after days of speculation on whether or not he was going to run to become the Conservative Party leader after Erin O’Toole was removed from leadership has announced he will be running to become the CPC leader and one day the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s unwillingness to open dialogue with protestors isn’t just political folly, it’s downright un-Canadian.
There is rightful outrage at GoFundMe after the crowd-funding website shut down the Freedom Convoy 2022 fundraiser and is going to try and pocket over $9 million not yet paid out to the convoy organizers unless donors apply for refunds.
Canadians are finally waking up to the corrupt state of the legacy media, and realizing that for decades taxpayers have been funding left-wing government propagandists who have shown themselves to hate the rights and freedoms the convoy is protesting to restore.
The Freedom Convoy 2022 can be credited for not only pushing back on the government’s vaccine mandates and other COVID-19 restrictions, which has resulted so far in the Alberta and Saskatchewan government’s seemingly preparing to drop all of their measures but also reinvigorating Canada with a culture of freedom.
Clearly, Conservative politicians cannot survive in Canada while ignoring the issue of liberty. Former federal Conservative leader Erin O’Toole just proved that being against the convoy or not responding in favour of it fast enough can contribute to you losing your job.
Life was made even easier for O’Toole, because when Jim Karahalios rightfully pointed out that the Erin O’Toole of 2020 was not who he said he was and instead would be the man we saw in 2021-2022 (and every year prior to the leadership race, if you paid attention to these things) O’Toole got the party insiders to bend the rules and kick Jim Karahalios from the race.
The legacy media would like the public to think that is the reason for the convoy and protest is based on some sort of extremism or bigotry in order to prevent Canadians from genuinely engaging with the issues the demonstrators are trying to bring attention to.
[…] National Telegraph […]