
Liberals Ignore Statistics to Push Gun Bans

Wilson also brought up the fact firearms are not even close to the main method driving increasing suicide deaths. She said that, “It is noted that firearm is a distant third in preferred method of suicide and accounts for between 13-15% of all suicides in Canada, showing that the greater issue is a need for better mental health overall.”

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Is Big Tech acting like a Cult?

In response to this act of journalism, Big Tech companies like Facebook, and Twitter decided that they could, without any evidence to debunk the story, block it from being posted as not suitable for the public to see on their websites. 

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The Green Party is now more Moderate than the NDP and Liberals

You’d expect the Greens to be fully in favour of an expensive and broad carbon tax, but early this year they’re showing more common sense than the other parties. It is absolutely true farmers were hit badly by the carbon tax last year, but it begs the question: why are the Greens looking sharper on this issue than the Liberals and NDP? 

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Trump Resisted the Fascist Impulse of COVID-19

Over the last few years we have been flooded with op-eds and messaging from partisan legacy media outlets trying to paint President Donald Trump as some form of fascist or one of the other labels from the arsenal of activist pejoratives.  However, the events of 2020, particularly the pandemic, have shown the outrage to be at minimum hyperbolic and at most pure hysteria.

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Liberals hurting Canadians with Single-Use Plastic Ban

Why are we suddenly labelling plastics “toxic” when they are needed now more than ever? Why are plastic barriers that could prevent us from getting COVID-19 going to be put in the same industrial category as substances that can cause one to die within minutes?

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Jagmeet Singh has Destroyed the NDP

The NDP of the 1960’s under Tommy Douglas is not the same party as Jagmeet Singh’s modern iteration. The NDP has historically been seen as a party for the Canadian worker with socailist roots.  Under the leadership of Jagmeet Singh though, he has transformed the NDP into another mouthpiece for Far-left ideologies like Critical Race […]

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The UCP has too many Liberals In its Leadership

It would not be a shock if the more liberal people in leadership positions within the UCP, like Moore, because of friendly relations with many Liberal party MPs and party officials, do not want to be too harsh towards the federal government’s anti-Western policy.

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Enough Liberal bias, bring back Firearms Education in Schools

I remember when I was in primary school, which was not that long ago, that the only resources ever shown in class regarding firearms and gun control were all blatantly left-wing sources. I myself, as a strong conservative, was significantly more pro-gun control after graduating from high school than I am today. 

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Biden, not Trump, needs to Disavow his Radical Political Connections

What Trump must do whenever he is asked about this in the future, and he must even bring up himself at future debates and whenever he is able to, is Joe Biden’s terrible record on hate groups and hateful statements. Trump must entirely flip the script on this “denounce and disavow” game. To be clear, I don’t think that anyone should be asked to denounce or disavow anything or anyone, unless they have previously stated or expressed any form of support for them.

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Leftists Ridicule President Trump After Contracting COVID-19

Trump testing positive for COVID-19 has exposed a major hypocrisy on the political left. Those who are constantly harping on Trump for being “unpresidential,” rude, or uncaring are out in force demonstrating they are exactly what they accuse Trump of being. 

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