O’Toole Embraces UNFCCC Paris Agreement

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on September 9, 2020

Erin O’Toole often said during the leadership race that the UNFCCC Paris Agreement targets were “non-binding” seemingly as a way of not upsetting the base by supporting it, while still keeping his foot in the door to embrace it once he became leader.

As a reminder the Paris Agreement is a United Nations initiative signed on by countries around the world for the purpose of mitigating climate change by significantly reducing carbon emissions. Canada signed on agreeing to reduce emissions by 30% by 2030, while at the same time countries like India and China do not have to reduce their emissions at all, and can actually continue raising them until 2030. 

This goal is envisioned as being met through the expansion of green technology and disincentivizing the use of using carbon based fuels through such means such as carbon taxes, and other regulations.

That impression of O’Toole was proven to be true in an interview with the CBC yesterday where he stated that he would be committing to the Paris Agreement’s climate targets. 

When talking about carbon taxes on its own website, the UN literally does not list a single drawback to their implementation, if there was any doubt that the international organizations don’t care about economic impacts. 

O’Toole continues to try and obscure his position on this issue by saying that he will be achieving the targets by “partnering with the provinces, not an ‘Ottawa knows best approach’ as we’ve seen with the carbon tax,” but that doesn’t change the fact he wants to push to reduce Canada’s emissions by 30% which would do irreparable harm to the oil and gas industry. 

There is a major difference between O’Toole’s “ho hum” attitude towards meeting the Paris Agreement targets during the campaign and now. He has not been consistent, and was clearly trying to seem like he was a secret anti-Paris Agreement candidate but in reality was the complete reverse. 

O’Toole really doesn’t seem to understand the Conservative Party base when he said the following during the CBC interview.

“We weren’t solid enough on this issue in the last few years, and when we said to people we were against the carbon tax because it was unfair, it was uncompetitive – we had to say what we were for, and that’s what I will do.”

Either O’Toole genuinely does not know the CPC membership wants out of the Paris Agreement, or he just doesn’t care what they want and would rather court the mythical gold mine of centre-left voters who want the Liberal Party but with blander policies. 

The Sloan leadership campaign proved there was a large portion of CPC members staunchly against not just the Paris Agreement, but all forms of strict environmental regulation and organization funding, as they managed to rack up 16% of the leadership vote, despite mainstream media’s negligence in covering Sloan’s candidacy. 

Especially with the growing momentum of a Western separatist movement this is not the time to fool around with embracing left wing climate change ideology when that very same thing is in large part why so many in provinces like Alberta want out of Canada.

O’Toole’s isn’t making the CPC a bigger tent by reaching out to urban voters and convincing them the merits of conservatism, he is kicking out the stalwart anti-climate alarmist base and hoping they still cast ballots for him anyways.

This policy statement on the Paris Agreement by O’Toole is an indicator that he is shifting away from the founding principles of the Conservative Party. 

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

One response to “O’Toole Embraces UNFCCC Paris Agreement”

  1. Peter Hessels says:

    Atmospheric co2 levels cannot drive climate. This is a lie propagated by globalists to redistribute wealth. The climate changes that we have been experiencing are well within natural variability. Media and Academia have been propagating this lie since the late eighties. Ironically, in the seventies global cooling was causing the same reaction with the same entities and was blamed on the same thing… atmospheric co2 levels. Don’t believe me? Listen to an expert;https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1VJtER2IUE