Trudeau’s 4 Years Of Inaction On Iran Killed 55 Canadians, Now The Victims Want Results

Written By Daniel Bordman, Posted on June 10, 2022

On June 8, 2018, the House of Commons voted to pass a motion to designate the Islamic Republic of Iran’s entire IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO). Currently only the Foreign arm of the IRGC, the Quds Force is listed as an FTO in Canada, as creating, funding, and enabling foreign terrorist organizations as part of a plan for world domination is literally in their mission statement.

However, the domestic arm of the IRGC, which controls the majority of the economy and wields the vast majority force domestically, remains undesignated in Canada despite the motion passed 4 years ago.

Four years to the day that Garnett Genuis motion passed the house, representatives from the Iranian community went to Ottawa to discuss their issue with the Trudeau government’s inaction.

The meeting in the House of Commons was arranged by the Council of Iranian Canadians (CIC) and featured testimony from multiple people prominent in the Iranian community started off by CIC President Dr. Avideh Motmaenfar. Salman Sima testified to his experience as a political prisoner of the Islamic Republic being tortured at the hands of the IRGC and other intelligence branches. Adding “I am lucky I was able to escape from these horrible crimes, but at the same time, I am sad that what happened to me, continues to happen to many political prisoners.
Still, the brutal regime tortures and executes people. Still, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is not on the list of terrorist organization. Still, no human rights violators in Iran have been listed. Still, Toronto & Vancouver are the safe heaven for money laundering for the regime. Still, we see a Prime Minister bowing down to dictators.
We have a long way to go.
Canada was among one of the first countries who stood firm against the Apartheid Regime in South Africa. Is it too much if we expect Canada to do the same again, with Iran?”

Ardeshir Zarezadeh, another former political prisoner, testified to seeing IRGC members roaming freely in Canada.

The most important testimony came from Mehrzad Zarai, whose son Arad was murdered by the IRGC on flight PS752. Mehzard summed up the importance of the meeting and the failure of Trudeau when he said “I decided to dedicate my life to justice so that other families would not have to experience this pain”.

(A live stream of the testimonies can be found below)

This is the key foreign policy point that the Trudeau Liberals continually fail to grasp: Appeasement of evil begets more evil. In 2018 when Canadian sociology professor Dr. Kavous Seyed-Emami was killed in Evan’s prison (the regime erroneously claims suicide) that should have been the signal to Trudeau that his quest to moderate a regime that openly seeks our destruction through appeasement is flawed. 

Totalitarian regimes only speak the language of force and power, which is why when they wanted to shoot down an airplane of innocent civilians they knew that killing Americans would result in consequences and they had evidence that killing Canadians under Trudeau bares almost zero consequences. That is why they chose flight PS752, a flight with no Americans on it.

This is why the Iranian community is pushing so hard to designate the entire IRGC an FTO, as well as other measures like sanctions on human rights abusers. Designating the Entire IRGC would actually have a major effect on the regime’s ability to launder money through Canada since they have such large control of the Iranian economy. Doing this would cause the Islamic Republic to think twice about any future attacks on Canadians.

Daniel Bordman

Daniel is the host of political satire show Uninterrupted, runs multiple podcasts and has written for a variety of publications. Daniel is also the communications coordinator of the Canadian Antisemitism Education Foundation. You can find him on Twitter here. Uninterrupted on YouTube

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