Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on June 15, 2021
Most Canadians view the federal Green Party as a mostly single-issue party based on wanting to remold the economy into something the environmentalist lobby envisions, but strangely enough that had also always come along with conspiratorial anti-Israel and anti-semitic views as well.
Especially under the leadership of Elizabeth May there had always been a very strict focus on the state of Israel when it came to foreign policy, despite the Green Party not really having much of a focus on foreign policy outside of their warm view towards the UN and other international organizations.
The Green Party had previously passed policy resolutions in their conventions with sweeping majorities of 91 percent in favour of the boycott divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel, of course no other such policy resolutions were ever proposed against actual oppressive regimes like the Islamic Republic of Iran, Syria, or Russia.
The Green Party in the past has even run candidates who had made holocaust denial videos and convinced May to submit a 9-11 conspiracy petition into Parliament, of course which blamed Israel and the Jewish people for Islamist terrorism.
Now after Annamie Paul, a black Jewish woman, clinched the leadership of the Green Party after Elizabeth May stepped down, in a campaign where she was subjected to repeated only anti-semitic attacks and racial slurs, largly because of her moderate positions on Israel and Palestine, the party has fallen into chaos.
Through a bleeding of support the Green Party is now poised to backtrack in terms of votes this next election after a steady rise over the past decade.
Updated @338Canada Federal Model:
LPC: 163 (+6)
CPC: 114 (-7)
NDP: 32 (+8)
BQ: 26 (-6)
GPC: 2 (-1)(Seat changes with 2019 Election) https://t.co/77kkx04CF7
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) June 14, 2021
Green Party MP Jenica Atwin recently crossed the floor to the Liberal Party which happened shortly after Atwin had been openly disagreeing with Paul’s comments that the Israel-Gaza conflict should be “deescalated” which in Conservative circles is still a position that shifts far too much blame away from the terrorist organization Hamas, who started the conflict.
Paul said she had never “reigned in” or “sanctioned” Atwin over her views on Israel, which would demonstrate Atwin did not leave from her views being suppressed, and rather could not stand serving under a party leader who did not share her radical views.
MP Jenica Atwin (Photo from CTV News)
It sort of gives the lie to the notion that the Green Party is an environmental party when it was not Paul’s moderation on the carbon tax that caused an uproar, rather it was her as a Jewish woman refusing to act like May and pretend like all the Middle East’s problems are the fault of Israel and Jewish people.
Paul currently holds a negative approval rating, which is quite significant as most people still do not know who she is, meaning much of the negativity about her leadership is coming from within her own party or ideologically adjacent parties like the NDP and Liberals.
Net Favourabilities:
Singh: +4%
Blanchet (QC Only): +4%
Paul: -6%
Trudeau: -11%
O'Toole: -27%Angus Reid / May 17, 2021 / n=1601 / Online
— Polling Canada (@CanadianPolling) May 21, 2021
The Green Party federal council is now also looking to vote on removing Paul as the leader of the party, after a week of Paul refusing to bend to the anti-Israel elements of the party and step down voluntarily.
Atwin leaving, essentially because Paul refuses to promote anti-semitic tropes, also indicates that there has been a growing tolerance if not a subtle playing to the anti-semitic and or Islamist vote within the Liberal Party significant enough it can move politicians to cross the floor to them.
The Liberal Party has become an organization that is more likely to punish the messenger who blows the whistle on extremist views than it is to punish the person accused of holding those views. This is exactly what happened to Liberal MP Ramesh Sangha who was removed from the party for pointing out Khalistani extremist views that Minister Navdeep Bains, who recently had to resign due to unknown issues, was alleged to have held.
Former Liberal MP Ramesh Sangha.
There may be a major realignment happening in Canadian politics along the lines of left-wing parties tolerance for anti-semitism and just how much they are willing to batter Israel, one of Canada’s strongest allies.
Canadians in this case actually should be supportive of Annamie Paul and should want her to pull support back into her party, not only because it would stop the Liberals from consolidating power, but in order to take a stand against the spread of anti-semitism in left-wing Canadian politics.
Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.
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