Derek Sloan Announces He is Creating a New Party at Calgary Rally

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on July 26, 2021

Hastings-Lennox & Addington MP Derek Sloan is currently touring around Southern Alberta and yesterday made his first campaign rally stop in Calgary to a group of supporters and interested rally attendees, where he spoke on many of the issues he had raised in the past like lockdowns, the economy, free speech, government misinformation, and of course the corruption of the Conservative Party.

Sloan had been introduced at the event by two former Reform Party MPs, Eric Lowther (Calgary Centre 1997-2000) and Art Hanger (Calgary Northeast 1993-2008) who had also been the Chair of the Standing Committee on Justice under Prime Minister Stephen Harper. 

It was telling that Sloan had surrounded himself with people who were associated with the creation of the Reform Party which had challenged the Eastern Canadian political establishment, as Sloan announced that he too would be creating his own new big tent political alternative. 

Although Sloan said he could not yet publicly reveal the name of the new party he is creating, he assured his supporters that the signatures required to officially register the party would be verified within the near future.

Sloan also indicated that his new party, much like the Reform Party, would be based in Alberta, likely due to Alberta being the most conservative, as well as underserved, province in Canada, as well as where many of the former MPs and other key supporters backing him are located.

Not much is currently known about Sloan’s new party, which is sure to spawn a lot of questions over the next few weeks. Will it have a constitution, what will the party platform be, how many ridings he is planning on running candidates in, and how big the current team working on the party?


One thing Sloan did confirm about his party is that he would be open to working with the People’s Party of Canada which he said includes not running against its leader Maxime Bernier in his old riding of Beauce. 

Elections Canada is famous for dragging its feet so no solid date can be guaranteed for when Sloan’s party would be officially registered and be allowed to be listed on a riding’s ballot.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

91 responses to “Derek Sloan Announces He is Creating a New Party at Calgary Rally”

  1. Albert Afree says:

    The Party can be registered when one MP is elected to office, or when an election is called. Don’t cou t on any by-elections prior to the writ being dropped. Get your paperwork in now!

  2. Justin says:

    We need electoral reform. Another small party will not be able to win any meaningful amount of seats

  3. B C says:

    Just tell us that you do NOT support this crazy covid agenda!

  4. Léna Gauthier says:

    THIS IS GREAT NEWS and an answer to prayer!!! For the last 2 elections, people in the CPC have worked really hard at centralizing it with the hopes that it would gather more people to defeat the Liberals. In doing so, the CPC betrayed its grassroots social conservative supporters. They didn’t win the last 2 elections, and they won’t win this one either because you can’t be a strong conservative party when you betray and injure your very foundation. Those of us true conservatives have been looking and praying for a true, God-fearing conservative leader. Here he is!

  5. Raine13 says:

    LOL I disagree COMPLETELY that Alberta is the most conservative AND UNDERSERVED province in the corporation. THAT title has ALWAYS gone to Saskatchewan. See, you are doing it right now – figure it out. Federally I will stick with the PPC, provincially that is yet to be determined. We may just leave this crap fight and become a state. Not kidding

    • Jill says:

      Actually, Saskatchewan was NDP for decades, and still has people like my brother-in-law who will never switch! Alberta has pumped a grossly unfair amount of money into other provinces, and has been Conservative decades longer than Saskatchewan. I’d like both are provinces to become a new Country, not a State.

  6. Louise Petri says:

    this is great news. We in BC need to follow suite! Yes, I know our Conservative presence here is very silent; we need to stand up against the ever growing take over of the extreme left. We as citizens of a country that is vast and varied need to persist in having everyone represented! Long time Conservatives are struggling to vote for a party that continues to dilute our values: balanced budgets, freedom of speech, the international reputation of a country to be proud of! We must wake up and speak up and stand up for what we truly believe…….this is our GOD given responsibility! Congratulations Mr Sloan! My prayer now is that someone here in BC will stand up with you and offer us here in this beautiful province a strong, reliable, reputable person to lead us into the next election!!! Some one that is listening to the people and as a “statesman” or woman can represent us with the truth……..give us a choice!!!!

    • Lyle Dabels says:

      This all sounds wonderful, but the fact remains that this country is controlled by Quebec and Ontario. We in the west have zero say in anything federally. The elections are decided before the votes west of Ontario are even counted. This needs to change! Separation of the west from this controlling monopoly is the only option left for western Canada. The raping of the west for the benefit of the east must stop! When a leader steps forward with a proposal, and support for this cause then I will support them. I have been a supporter of the CPC all my life (70 years) and with Mr. O’Tool at the head I can not support them any longer.

  7. Ray says:

    This is good provided between the new party of Sloan and the PPC can take enough votes to work as a coalition government. That will be a hard battle to win. the icing and deal clincher would be to get Pierre Poilievre to join one of them and cross the red tory floor.

  8. Ethel says:

    I am so happy to see this. I am very disillusioned with the present conservative party and will let my membership lapse. I suppport what Derek sloan stands for and will support him and his party. i live in B.C. in the conservative part of the province.

  9. William says:

    Nice to see more parties helping the Liberals.

  10. David Ross Mann says:

    Sloan needs to tell us what’s wrong with the PPC.

  11. Leon Comeau says:

    I voted for him in the last election but unfortunately Otoolio was placed, not elected but placed just like all of them

  12. Maureen Sullivan says:

    Mau the Lord guide bless and protect Derek in all his efforts to make Canada safe and free again…Derek is a good man–one of integrity and courage…We need him…

  13. M. MCkevitt says:

    You profess to tell the truth…. or are you trying to help more division within Canada? The only party who even has a hope of getting us out of our mess is the UCP….actually NO ONE repair what damage the liberals and NDP have done to our economy but the UCP will probably not cause even greater debt.
    The pic shows the amount of people who came out in support of Sloan and its minuscule….Calgary has 1.3 M…somehow 150-200 people seems not worth mentioning…

  14. Jan Chlumsky says:

    CPC Otool will badly loose the election. And Trudeau knows it. I was between 1st 50 members of PPS here in Quebec. I voted for CPC just to get rid of Trudeau. Mistake I will never repeat again. Max has completely parallel ideas with Derek. And he is french Canadian. Then Derek surfaced. His words about Teresa Tam and her work for China caused that I donated to Derek and become big fan of him too. I wrote both of them Max and Derek asking for joining forces. It would need a good relationship between both of them but I don’t see it impossible. It would be the only solution for Canada. It would derail that China – Covid idiot who otherwise will sell us to China or Muslims in no time. I know that French Canadians and Ontarians would vote for us. Just get on guys do it.

  15. Robert Bryenton says:

    PPC is best alternative! And has best policy’s
    I like Sloan but why split the vote?
    Got to get together!

  16. Ginny says:

    If Canadians want to see freedom restored, moral integrity and accountability, and real democracy then this is the man to vote for.

    • A.J. Wolf says:

      A Republic is what folks need and will survive. Democracies eat themselves over time.

  17. Lee Sexsmith says:

    Wrong. Sloan should be teaming up with the Maverick Party of Canada. The Maverick’s are the only party that has a solution that has worked so very well for Quebec.

  18. Rick Vanderlip says:

    DerekSLOAN .4. P.M. of CANADA

    *** Not "woke" but AWAKE , gutsy , not politicallycorrect ***

    " GOD keep our land glorious & FREE " *** HEis ABLE ***

    "to do exceedingly abundantly above what we could ask or think"

  19. Bruce Harwood says:

    Another example of Conservative infighting that helps get the Liberals elected over and over.

    • ZuckerRat says:

      True enough, and a very good point. But… What other party is Sloan supposed to take up with that will not just end up with him facing the same fate as he did with the pandering Conservatives?

      Who else out there is trying to stand up for our rights with the same passion as Sloan? Who else is truly refusing to pander to the people out there who are still driving their cars alone wearing a mask and shrieking about “new cases“? Who else appears to be making a pure and concerted effort to stop Canada from sliding down into a completely totalitarian regime?

      I agree… You are correct in that this may only serve to split the vote further and keep the liberals in power – but Sloan needs a platform where he is not censored or muzzled and that he cannot be removed from.

      • Charle Ritchie says:

        ZuckerRat—>hypothetically,MP Derek Sloan could have joined the already-established Christian Heritage Party (CHP).Individuals in that political party are doing what you asked about in the second paragraph of your posting.SO,Derek should not be concerned about being muzzled/censored there. (Nor be concerned about being- wrongfully-removed.)

  20. Pat Van Canada says:

    I think this is wonderful news and if Sloan’s new party co-operates with the PPC to not split the vote, that is great. Sloan’s party will likely be a much better match for Christians / social conservatives

    • Bryan Dale says:

      The only way that can be avoided is by not running candidates. By announcing his new party will be based in Alberta, Sloan is taking direct aim at The People’s Party.

    • jack reynolds says:

      If Derek wins seats that Max Bernier could not, because he’s from Quebec or any other reason, then both will benefit. The current situation where 5 of the 36% share of Liberal votes in the 2019 election came from a huge Muslim VOTING BLOCK must not be repeated. Yes, 5 of the 36% share of Liberal votes !!!

  21. G Davies says:

    It would not be the first time in history that a new person came forward as an independent to rescue a nation. Prime example? Donald Trump.

    • Craig H says:

      Donald Trump had a party. This might just be another example of someone going rogue and being embarrassed. Prime example? Maxime Bernier.

      • ZuckerRat says:

        But at least he’s trying.. Good God… We really need someone to try to save us from this totalitarianism wave that is heading towards us like a tsunami. It takes a great deal of courage to stick your neck out there and do something like this, even though you may end up being “embarrassed“.

        And that’s part of the whole problem with this… There’s too many of us who are just “going along with this“ because we don’t want to make waves, run the risk of getting in trouble if we attend a protest, get yelled at in public because we don’t have our mask on or walking the wrong way down a grocery store aisle. Yes… Way too many of us are guilty of being complacent and compliant because we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves or embarrass ourselves.

  22. Ken Garrett says:

    The problem, the Canadian people face is, will this be an honest election. Are we using compromised voting machines and software? Same way they rigged the election in the United States!

  23. Debbie says:

    I believe that God has chosen Derek Sloan for such a time as this. Continue to lift him up in prayer and God will put all things in place for Canada. God has not forgotten this great country we just need to put our faith in God and trust the plan that has been put before us. We will get thru this battle and God has chosen a man like Derek Sloan because God knows his heart and God will bring forth the truth and our country will be set free!

  24. Dietrich Osswald says:

    This is the best news I have heard in a long time. Finally the political landscape in Canada gets an so long awaited alternative.
    Congratulations Detek and you have my support !

  25. Lorraine says:

    I believe if like-minded politicians unite to form a party, those with true love for Canada with respect to it’s past and a passion to protect our God-given rights and the future of this land and the people, they will have a fighting chance. If God be with ye, who can be against thee!
    O Canada!
    Our home and native land!
    True patriot love in all of us command.

    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
    The True North strong and free!

    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

  26. Dianne Mollard says:

    This is exciting news. Will be praying for you.

  27. jeff says:

    I am a Canadian that recently made the decision to get more involved with the politics of the nation. I am a conservative thinking person but love the thought of a Country that helps people up when they are down. I do not like policy that keeps people down. I started to like O’Toole and within days of giving him my support he did what he did with Derek Sloan. Until O’Toole stands up and fixes what he did I cannot and will not give him my support. That being said, this mess needs to be fixed fast or we are in for years and years of dealing with our Dear Leader.

  28. Crystal Cowper-Smith says:

    Now I know who I will be voting for after having lost faith in the so-called Conservative party. Thank you Derek.
    ‘O Canada, we STAND on guard for thee.’
    I will spread this good news.

  29. Sheran Carter says:

    Derek :
    NO!!! Not another Political Party on the Right… We already have the Peoples Party and Maverick in the West and then there is the ‘Conservatives’. Surely you could work together with the Peoples Party or we will end up with another corrupt Liberal Government!
    We need a strong Right Wing Party.
    Is the reason for not working with the PPC because it doesn’t have a pro-life plank in its platform?.
    Abraham Lincoln didn’t have an anti-slavery plank in his platform for pragmatic reasons. His approach of waiting till the electorate was ready to ban slavery was the correct one. We don’t disagree with Derek on substance, only in strategy. We don’t think he can win by making abortion etc. an issue.
    We hope we are wrong. He could win by focusing on other social issues e.g. gender-confusion issues.

  30. Adri Bisenberger says:

    Totally agree with Sheran Carter. No party will win a majority of seats. We will forever end up with coalition governments.

  31. Mijogard says:

    Derek Sloan mentioned that at least 60% of Canadians are disillusioned with the choices they have in federal politics. I believe that number is higher. Let the 40% choose between the filth that’s currently gaming the system. Arguing about vote splitting means choosing amongst the filth. Time for people to wake up and take a stand for responsible government and against the globalist elite pulling the strings behind the scenes through our media, institutions, and governments. Derek is proposing to create a platform for we the people of Canada to take back our sovereignty. Sounds like an opportunity we should embrace.

  32. Elsa says:

    Great to hear!

  33. Henry Dyke says:

    All this fits in with prophecies Barry has given that God would raise up a leader in Canada who would do away with the corruption. In fact, he saw the Canadian political system turned inside out, upside down. Canada has a bright future once the darkness has been dealt with. In a vision he saw Derek Sloan as that leader! Go Derek! God is moving you forward!

  34. FrancesEve Drake says:

    Praise the Lord. I have been interceding for this outcome. I have been interceding for Derek Sloan. God is in control. With Him all things are possible. Let us humble ourselves, turn from our wicked ways, seek the Face of God and HE will heal our Land. God Bless Canada. God Bless Derek Sloan. Remember Gideon won with 300 valiant men.

  35. Scooter says:

    There have been three, yes, THREE politicians stand up for our Rights as Canadians. THREE.
    Sloan, Hillier and Bernier.
    Where are the rest?
    The present election in Nova Scotia is disgusting. It is nothing short of holding hands in a circle and singing Kum-By-Ya; disgusting.
    We need LEADERSHIP.
    We need HONESTY
    WE need everyone to stand up to the CABAL
    Who should you vote for? YOUR CHILDREN

  36. David Stone says:

    A voice for the rights of Canadians is definitely much needed. But also lets learn from the lessons of history. When the Reform Party first came onto the scene, it gained approximately 20 seats & reduced the PC’s to just 2. The liberal worshipping mainstream media viciously attacked Reformers 24/7 thus restricting its expansion outside of Alberta while the Liberals got a free ride & gained successive majorities. Can we afford to hand Trudeau successive majorities at this point when he is flaunting parliamentary rules & striving for a sweeping "reset" of Canadian freedoms?

  37. Ellietinashe says:

    I am so excited to hear about this. I sensed the Lord speaking to me about Derek when he was running for Conservative leadership and I shared it with him when he was in our city campaigning that year.

    I saw a picture of David (and yet it was Derek) with a stone and a sling in his hand and Goliath(an insurmountable mountain/situation) confronting him. I sensed the Lord saying that by the hand of God, Derek would overcome the obstacles just as David had.

    At the time it was odd, as I sensed he wouldn’t win that election and I remember telling Derek as I shared what I sensed the Lord giving me to pass on to him, that it didn’t necessarily mean he’d win that election. I sensed though that he was to stand firm in his beliefs and be strong in the Lord.

    I just read this news now about his new political party and I’m so excited. I haven’t had time to pray about it yet, but it feels right in my spirit as though things are finally falling into place and making sense.

    I’ve been a dyed-in-the-wool conservative along with my parents and family as long as I can remember and now at 61 years old, for the 1st time in my life I didn’t know who to vote for. One of my daughters jaw dropped when I told her I must likely wouldn’t vote Conservative now that Peter O’Toole was leader.

    Looking forward to seeing the mighty hand of God at work in this new party. Blessings on you and your family, Mr Sloan and all those working hard st bringing this party into reality.

  38. Angela says:

    Great news! Please save our Country from the current madness!!!

  39. Sherry says:

    I am so happy to hear about this. I have been giving it much thought lately as to who will get my vote and it never has been and never will be the Liberals but my biggest concern is if I vote for PPC it may give way to a possible Liberal majority and that is a scary thought. O’Toole has certainly not been impressive so far.

  40. george aon says:

    So we now have a total of three right-thinking politicians in Canada and two parties to represent them. Why do I think there is something wrong?

  41. Gwynneth Gourley says:

    I have to say, I agree with everything Derek has said so far. Conservative without Apology! This is exciting news.
    I am actually interested in learning more about being a possible candidate in Alberta.

  42. D Wehrfritz says:

    Canadian Politics need to be completely reformed. So very happy Derek is stepping up and creating a new party. He’s got my full support! Let’s go Derek!!

  43. Jagoda Heilman says:

    Thank you so much Mr Sloan for standing up for the truth and representing people that want to think for themselves and not be told what to do, where to go and where we are not allowed to go. We are seniors and now that we have waited all of our entire working life to enjoy life and travel, we can’t travel because we do not agree with the government policy on vaccination. Let me worry about my health, I do not need government to tell where I could potentially get sick. That is my problem.
    My husband and I will support you where ever you run. You will do well because truth is everlasting.

    • Bob says:

      Another yahoo who thinks it’s his right to infect other people. People like you are the reason this pandemic will be around for a long time.

      • Christopher Seal says:

        If you’re so worried about being infected by the unvaccinated, get yourself vaccinated. If you are vaccinated then what are you worried about, or do you not have faith in the experimental vaccine? This two weeks to flatten the curve is going on towards two years. Enough is enough! We need to get on with our lives.

  44. Clint Grad says:

    I’m onboard. I voted for the Reform party the when they merged with PC I had no choice but to vote for them. Now we will have a better choice. And hopefully not split the vote. And we won’t if we all go for Derek Sloan.


  45. Adri Bisenberger says:

    We have more than enough parties.
    Look, as an example, at The Netherlands with only 17+ million people:
    19 parties are represented in their "Congress" (States General) and another 18 that never made, but are still very alive and kicking.
    No party has won a majority of seats since the election of 1894.
    Canada doesn’t need more variations of Conservatism to muddle the waters and in the process going nowhere, much less being able to defeat that Marxist dictator in Ottawa and his radical clique.

    • James Ouellet says:

      Erin O’Toole is certainly not able to dislodge the Liberals. Every poll show him trailing Trudeau. And that’s because conservatives, whether Party members or not, see through him. He is NO conservative. He is a Liberal is (sheep) Conservative clothing!

  46. Alina says:

    I love Derek but no another party please! Derek says that he will cooperate with PPC. What does that even mean? No matter what the cooperation will look like, the votes will be split with 2 parties! Actually 3 parties with the Mavericks in Alberta! Any why would Derek have the headquarters in Alberta? Wouldn’t eastern Canada be better? In Alberta, he will be basically preaching to the choir.
    The real conservative leaders need to put their egos behind and join forces in one strong party.

  47. Canuck says:

    I’m behind Derek all the way, but it looks like he’s teamed up with Bernier … bad news as Bernier is a globalist in sheep’s clothing.

  48. Eugene Gawor says:

    Dear Derek, MP, future Prime Minister of Canada.

    With God all is possible. God is calling you to be the hope for Canada, next Prime Minister of Canada.
    The current political and social situation is the worst in Canadian history since 1867.
    I quote;
    1. When country is killing own children the country doesn’t have a hope for the future, such country is heading nowhere, to disappearance from the World maps, as great Saint John Paul II was envisioning.
    2. When woman is able to kill a child in her own womb what will stop us from killing each other, the great Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta was preaching.

    I am very excited and hopeful Derek Sloan will not give up but go ahead with his program, as per God’s willing. I sensed the Lord speaking to me about Derek when he was running for Conservative so voted for him, shared some of my ideas on his web site.

    I envision a picture of David from the bible with a stone and Goliath, Liberals confronting him. I sense the Lord saying that with God, Derek would overcome the obstacles of Canada and Canadians no one was able to solve. At last election it was impossible for him to win.

    I sense now that with his full energy, enthusiastic and right attitude he has to stand up firm in his beliefs and be strong in the Lord. I read about his new political party and am excited. I have a time to pray and be ready to help, it feels right in my heart and spirit as though things are finally falling into place and making sense, hope for Canada and Canadians.

    Being all my life conservative and trusting God I found I can not vote Conservative now when Peter O’Toole is a leader, following Liberals, being Pro choice.

    I am looking forward to seeing the almighty hand of God blessing Canada and new leader, Derek Sloan. Blessings for you and your family and all those working hard for Canada and Canadians, as a new reality, a dream for majority.

    Praise the Lord. God is in control. With Him all things are possible. God bless Canada and Canadians. I have been praying, interceding for Derek Sloan. Let us humble ourselves, turn from our weaknesses, be strong, don’t give up, seek the Face of God and HE will heal our Land lead new Leader, Derek Sloan. Recall what Gideon did with 300 men.

    All this fits in with prophecies that God would raise up a leader in Canada who would do away with the corruption. In fact, he saw the Canadian political system turned upside down. Canada has a bright future once the lukewarm attitude is dealt with and people see a hope for the country in new leader, blessed by God.Go ahead Derek! If God is with you who can be against? True conservatives have been looking and praying for a true, God-fearing conservative leader. We have now, finally a hope and bright future for Canada and Canadians.

    With true love for Canada, with respect to it’s past and a passion to protect our God-given rights and the future of this land and the people, we will celebrate a new Canada, with happiness inside our hearts and strong voices from East to North and West oceans;

    O Canada!
    Our home and native land!
    True patriot love in all of us command.

    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
    The True North strong and free!

    From far and wide,
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    God keep our land glorious and free!
    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

    I believe that God has chosen Derek Sloan for such a time as this. Continue to lift him up in prayer and God will put all things in place for Canada. God has not forgotten this great country we just need to put our faith in God and trust the plan that has been put before us. We will get thru this battle and God has chosen a man like Derek Sloan because God knows his heart and God will bring forth the truth and our country will be free again, not silenced, not run by the Culture of Death (abortion + euthanasia) but the Culture of Love and Life.

    There are many of us “going along with Liberals“ because we don’t want to make waves, run the risk of getting in trouble, attend a protest, get yelled at in public because we don’t have our mask on or walking the wrong way down a grocery store aisle. Yes… Way too many of us are guilty of being complacent and compliant because we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves or embarrass ourselves.
    If Canadians want to have freedom restored with moral integrity and accountability, corruption from top to bottom stopped, and real democracy then this is the man to vote for, Derek Sloan, family and community man, new Prime Minister of Canada.

    Current Conservatives didn’t win the last 2 elections, and they won’t win this one either because you can’t be a strong conservative party when you betray and injure your very foundation, starting from Life Sanctity……… Those of us true conservatives have been looking and praying for a true, God-fearing conservative leader. Here he is!

  49. Rosanne Costain says:

    With Kenny’s behaviour in Alberta, I no longer call them conservatives. Ignoring their own mandates on the virus, putting pastors in prison, then the kicker is intending to put pastor Art in jail for 3 weeks because he won’t apologise, that’s too close to fascist for me.

  50. Angela says:

    No offence but can we please keep abortion and God out of politics? That’s where the different varieties of the Reform party always gets compromised. If we can just have a common sense party that doesn’t have "fringe" elements, the Party might be more relatable to more people. Derek Sloan, Pierre P, and Hillier are the men I’d like to have in Government as they embody these qualities.

  51. Cheryl says:

    I pray with all my Alberta heart this works ♥️♥️♥️ Go get em Derek! Bless you and Max for having to balls to speak out and try to rescue our home and native lame restore it to true patriot love and freedom!

  52. Kevin Gowie says:

    Thank God. Let’s all pass this on to as many people as possible to show our support. Canada deserves better than it has right now and complete change is needed. Go Derek

  53. MB says:

    Sorry I cannot support a new party. I believe the timing is not right and we need to fight against the Liberal Party from stacking the election in order to win a majority by not enabling it by splitting votes. I am sure the Liberals are liking this idea immensely. My focus is to unite to fight off the Liberals from being in power another four years.

    • James Ouellet says:

      Erin O’Toole should have given more thought to his decision to throw Derek Sloan under the bus, the social conservatives standard bearer. In doing so, he has destroyed the CPC created by Stephen Harper. As soon as this new Party is created, the great majority of social conservatives in the CPC will jump the ship for this new conservative party. And maybe, just maybe, most of the pro-life, pro-family MP’s will also jump ship. If that happens, Erin O’Toole will be left with an empty shell of a Party, never to be resurrected again.

  54. Laura von Hausen says:

    This is the news I’ve been waiting for. Looking forward to voting for Derek!!!! I agree with everything he stands for.

  55. Andrew says:

    I think to be stronger you, Maxine and Pierre. P. Should all work together! Get rid of all this old school political thought but don’t ever adopt the style of our neighbors. Keep it fair and just.

  56. Andrew says:

    If elections Canada doesn’t come true you should cross the floor and work with Maxime until the time is right.

  57. Sue says:

    Truly… thank you Derek, I believe in all you are fighting for and the truth has and WILL be exposed. and keeping God out of it is not the answer as I saw in a comment or two. God HAS to be in this and this is what will strengthen Derek and his new party… this is what will set this party apart! This I promise!! I will spread this word and support you financially when I can.


  58. MIRIAM says:

    I have voted Conservative all of my life but in good conscience I cannot support Erin O’Toole. I do not see any difference between him and the Liberal party or the other parties either. He has no godly morals that he is willing to stand up for. I will vote for this new party if given the opportunity.

    • Darrin Lauder says:

      Your words expressed my same thoughts. Being a Conservative I am sorely disappointed in their present leader. He too is a globalist, so you are correct in not much difference between him and our unethical PM. I actually think he was a globalist NWO plant to split the Conservative vote so they wouldn’t defeat the Liberals. His treatment of Pierre and Derek endured many Conservative’s like us would not vote for him. I personally think our only hope is for Derek, Max and Rod Taylor to join a coalition party to defeat Liberals. All 3 are Canada first, freedom fighting quality men. By God’s grace the wee 3 could defeat the big 3 globalist, lockdown, vax agenda parties.

  59. Paul Novak says:

    It could take many years to get back to normal. So lets get this new party on the road no matter how it may change the outcome of the next election. Mainstream media will then not have a choice to publisize this new political party therefore putting light on Derek’s views, his commen sense, but especially putting light on his opinion of this whole pandemic. That should get any endoctrinated sheep(voter) to start thinking out of their slightly brainwashed bubble…, putting a collective doubt amongst them and once that starts who knows, we could be facing the next SloaneMania.
    To me, a Good government must also be a powerful government that can protect me against the abuse of greedy, power seeking Big players who have no interest in my well being and that of my children.
    Allowing them but keeping a close eye on them,
    regulating their negative impact on our mental and physical health.
    and not let lobbying influence their decisions.
    Today it is Big Pharma and collateral friends…
    Tomorrow it may be another.
    Derek We need you out there as soon as possible, right now in Canada you are our only hope to a beautifully free futur in a loving united country, an example to the world.

    Thank you from the heart,


    • Darrin Lauder says:

      I fear we will not get the many years needed to repair the Liberal/globalist damage. God help us!

  60. Andre Lemelin says:

    Happy for Sloan. Not running against PPC in Beauce is wise, very wise.
    Collaboration will go a long way to defeat Liberals. We must learn from mistakes and remember what the goal is…..Canada, not partisanship at all COST. #Unite the Right with Collaboration and fair strategy. Thank you for your working together to end the deadly and unfair Reset lockdowns.

  61. Dean says:

    You were robbed in the rigged PC leader race. Your platform was pure Canadian back then. I can’t wait to see your platform now. You will have 4 votes from my family. (Renfrew County, Ont.)
    Keep up the great work on FB, but please start a back up on Telegram and Gab. FB and Twitter will remove you if Justin T. feels your movement is too Canadian.

  62. Dean says:

    Canada First

  63. James Ouellet says:

    As someone commented earlier, we should all be concerned that Trudeau and his globalist clique won’t steal the next election like his Democrat counterparts in the U. S. have done in last year’s presidential election with their mail-in ballots and their compromised voting machines. You can be damn sure that Soros’ Open Society Foundation will work closely with Canada 2020 to get Trudeau re-elected, spending tons of money in the process.

    Every one needs to read the following article by MacLean’s magazine

  64. Reta says:


  65. Gilles Savoie says:

    You have many votes on the east coast!

  66. Gilles Savoie says:

    Also, on the topic of anti abortion brought up by Angela below. It’s about respecting life. It’s not a fringe ideaology. It’s respect for life.

    Even if you don’t believe in personally in the value of the unborn, it will always be an issue with those who value life. Let’s try and put these men into power for all the good things it will give Canadians fiscally and socially.
    Let’s work together

  67. Jacek Ratajczak says:

    Jacek Ratajczak, I am interested but I’ll wait till I see Mr. Sloan political program in action. I am a social conservative, i.e. pro-life issues are extremely important for me. After Mr. Sheer shameful flip-flop I don’t trust conservative politicians, they are mostly liberals in disguise.

  68. Frank Byl says:

    Looking forward to real Conservative Option instead of a "Liberal-light".

  69. Cornelius says:

    Yes. I am excited for this party. Slone has my vote.

  70. Francesca says:

    I really like Derek Sloan and his courage to stand up to the ineffective, unconstitutional lockdowns. However, Stephen Harper is a globalist and I fear that Derek could be too 🙁

  71. Shannon says:

    Ask questions…don’t trust anyone. Our political landscape has to change, it can’t be run the same way with the same career politicians or we will always be controlled and be in the same mess