Trudeau Passes Confidence Vote – WE Investigation Starts Again

It seems like with the CERB replacement program being implemented, and the WE investigations starting back up and expending, nothing has really changed in Ottawa from before the propagation of parliament, simply a month long pause has occurred.

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Trudeau wants Municipalities’ help Grabbing Guns

Municipalities being granted the power to decided on new restrictions and bans on handguns effectively hands the political responsibility for bans onto local government, while giving the federal government the go ahead to enforce firearms legislation it does not directly have to take political responsibility for.

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Fundraiser Launched for United We Roll Advocate Haley Wile after Serious Car Accident

Well known United We Roll (UWR) advocate Haley Wile was in a bad car accident six days ago which caused her life altering injuries. Wile’s friend and founder of UWR Glen Carritt today launched a Go Fund Me made to raise money for Haley’s medical recovery costs.

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Trudeau and Canada’s Political Class Emboldens Wexit Movement

Specifically in response to the “build back better” and green energy rhetoric in the throne speech, Hill says, “Liberals will continue to decimate our energy industry, creating even more despair and job losses. They will continue to block the safe and efficient transportation of Western goods and natural resources.”

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Jeromy Farkas is Confident Calgarians Want Him Over Nenshi

The National Telegraph recently interviewed councillor Farkas on his planned bid for the mayorship of the city, and what he thinks the mood in Calgary is towards Mayor Nenshi and how strongly change is being demanded. 

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Is Trudeau Still Pushing Forward the Gun Ban Despite Scandal and Pandemic?

When asked whether or not the Liberals may simply just deepen their current deficit spending to pay for the entirety of the firearms ban Giltaca said, “I fully expect the Liberal government to follow through with their plans entirely no matter how they choose to fund it.”

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Has Georgia Become the New Israel in the Caucasus?

Like Israel, Georgia is surrounded by countries that seek to destroy it, are hostile to one another, or are infected with overwhelming corruption and authoritarianism to the point that normalized relations with one another and Georgia seem unattainable over the long term. This of course excluded the additional threats from non-adjacent neighbours like Syria, Iran, and Iraq. 

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Liberals to Push Forward with Massive Debt Increase Despite Financial Sectors Warnings

Outside of the government executives from some of the largest banking institutions in Canada met with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland and urged the government to get its debt under control and to commit to new debt limits. Right now Canada’s debt is pushing over $874 billion, $343 billion of which is due to COVID-19 related spending alone.

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ANTIFA Rioting Makes a Great Case for Gun Ownership

Nobody wants the exasperation of violence and that is exactly what increased gun ownership would help to avoid. The mob is very unlikely to try and victimize those who can competently defend themselves, and ANTIFA everyday shows how increasingly important firearms are in the task of proving your ability for self-defence.

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O’Toole Embraces UNFCCC Paris Agreement

Erin O’Toole often said during the leadership race that the UNFCCC Paris Agreement targets were “non-binding” seemingly as a way of not upsetting the base by supporting it, while still keeping his foot in the door to embrace it once he became leader.

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