Can Derek Sloan Win his Reelection? – Yes Absolutely

Like Raybould, Sloan will not be relying just on taking former Conservative voters with him in order to win his reelection, but he could expect to attract non-Conservative voters as well who see voting for Sloan as a symbolic way of signaling their dislike for Conservative Party leader Erin O’Toole, and the direction of the party in general. 

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An Election in 2021 Likely to Result in Another Stalemate

Although it seems to be the consensus among political pundits and poll analysts that currently Erin O’Toole has little chance of beating Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it is noted less often it also seems quite unlikely at this point for Trudeau to win himself back a majority government.  Some polls show Trudeau walking away with […]

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The Region of Peel Government’s Instructions to Confine Children was No “Mistake”

At this point, it would be downright foolish to assume the government pushing crazy lockdown measures and recommendations was a mistake, the track record of them doing so is too long to ignore.

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Biden Finally Mans-Up and Strikes at Iranian Terror Forces Attacking Americans

It is ridiculous to contend that Biden should not have retaliated against the perpetrating organizations like Kata’ib Hezbollah and Kata’ib Sayyid al Shuhada. Iran is trying to perpetuate its power throughout the region with its proxy organizations by destabilizing countries like Iraq and Yemen, and by responding to Iranian aggression America is restraining its toxic power.

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Why are Alberta’s Care Home COVID-19 Statistics not Public?

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and his Health Minister Tyler Shandro should be able to produce specific care home statistics if they are proud of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and believe their restrictions and lockdowns on the general public have been justified.

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The CBC is Pushing Third Wave Fears to Justify Ongoing Restrictions

What comes off as concerning in the CBC’s coverage of a potential third wave is how they seem to be learning into the government’s position that seems to be stating ‘even if it is safe to open we still should not,’ and that restrictions and lockdowns are the answer to all outbreaks of COVID-19.

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Trudeau and his Cabinet Abstain from Vote Labelling China’s Treatment of Uyghurs as Genocide

Following his ongoing trend of refusing to take a moral stand on China, Trudeau signaled further weakness on the dictatorship with both his cabinet and himself abstaining from today’s vote on MP Chong’s motion. This motion does not even push for retaliatory action against China for the abuse of Uyghurs, and Trudeau was not even willing to take part in the formality of labelling the situation in Xinjiang a genocide.

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Erin O’Toole Won’t Commit to Fully Repealing Trudeau’s Gun Ban

As it can be seen in Erin O’Toole’s answer to Lawton’s question and follow up clarifying question, O’Toole mainly focused on Trudeau and the Liberals being “misleading” or “dividing” Canadians and “blaming” law-abiding people, which, in a vacuum, is a good answer to Trudeau’s approach to gun control, but at no point does O’Toole confirm he will repeal the OIC ban.

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Newfoundland COVID Testing Likely to Generate False-Positives

Through an access to information request to Eastern Health Newfoundland & Labrador by a reader of The National Telegraph regarding how many times the PCR tests are cycled in order to test for COVID-19, it was found that Eastern Health was significantly over-testing which can lead to high rates of false positives.

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Trudeau’s Gun Ban Showing Cracks As Firearms Community Makes Cultural Gains

The main goal of anything done to stop the Liberals ban, such as the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) attempt to get a legal injunction against the ban, which despite not being granted by the judge, helps raise more awareness of the issues and the inherently unfair and frankly unconstitutional actions of Justin Trudeau’s Liberals. 

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