Anti-Convoy Witnesses Whine About “Uber Eats” and “Microaggressions” At Emergencies Act Inquiry

The anti-convoy witnesses will have to do far better than making claims about “Uber Eats” and “microaggressions” in order to justify the use of the Emergencies Act to violently remove the peaceful protesters around Parliament. 

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Danielle Smith Is Pulling An Erin O’Toole – Walking Back Promises And Liberalizing Policy

Shortly after being sworn in as premier, Danielle Smith reiterated her now weaker position, which perfectly mirrors what former Premier Jason Kenney’s government was doing to push back on federal government overreach, and acted as if everyone just misunderstood her during the leadership. 

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Pierre Poilievre Release Shadow Cabinet Picks – Leaves Out Woke Michelle Rempel Garner

Pierre didn’t follow in O’Toole’s footsteps and actually appointed both of his leadership race competitors who are currently serving Conservative MPs, that being Dr. Leslyn Lewis and Scott Aitchison into the Shadow Cabinet.

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Canada’s Federal NDP Has An Anti-Semitism Problem, And Jagmeet Singh Is Cool With It

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) recently called out Jagmeet Singh and the federal NDP for anti-semitic rhetoric against the nation of Israel, and how the NDP and their socialist media allies reacted pretty much proves CIJA’s accusations.

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The Emergency Act Inquiry Will Force Justin Trudeau To Publicly Justify His Actions

Now for the upcoming Emergency Act Inquiry Commission Justin Trudeau is likely going to be required to testify, and because he is obviously the key person that invoked the Emergencies Act, he cannot pretend he was unaware of what had transpired.

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Videos Show Alleged Financial Motive Behind Removing Jason Kenney And Electing Danielle Smith

A series of videos uploaded to TikTok (used @jay_of_sunshine / @Jay) regarding the ongoing UCP leadership race purports to show a money motive behind the campaign to removed Alberta Premier Jason Kenney as the UCP leader and then elect former Wildrose leader Danielle Smith in his place. 

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Canadian Left Cares More About ‘Green’ Policies Than Canadians Going Bankrupt

It is truly concerning and demonstrates the toxic mindset that the Canadian environmentalist left, that in a time when Canadians have to downsize their homes and begin making difficult financial choices in order to get through this period of inflation, the Canadian left thinks freezing increases to the carbon tax is off-limits.

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The Trend Is Undeniable – Canadians Don’t Like Justin Trudeau Anymore

Despite the bad indicators for Trudeau, many Liberals in the media are trying to claim each poll or indicator of Trudeau and the Liberal Party’s popularity is just a singular data point not worth reading into, no matter how large the data set gets. 

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Justin Trudeau Pressured Into Scrapping ArriveCAN And Mask Mandates

After more than a year of Justin Trudeau and the Liberals refusing to remove public health travel restrictions for purely political reasons, they finally caved today and officially announced the end to them all today.

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Polls Project A Poilievre Majority Government And Canadians Want to Defund The CBC

A new set of polls came out from Mainstreet Research, regarding both insights into the dynamics of the next federal election, as well as Canadians’ attitudes about such things as the taxpayer funding of the CBC.

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