Independent MP Kevin Vuong Declares “Canada has become a doormat for foreign interference”

Yesterday during Question Period, Independent Member of Parliament for Spadina-Fort York Kevin Vuong went after his former colleagues in the government for their lax stance on Canadians being harassed by the hostile foriegn governments of countries used to reside in. 

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Justin Trudeau’s Emergencies Act Testimony Displayed His Contempt For Average Canadians

It’s rather obvious that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lied multiple times during his testimony in front of the Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) last Friday, but what seems almost more important than Trudeau’s untruth, is his contempt for average Canadians that oozes off of him. 

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Liberal Ministers Bend Over Backwards To Call Convoy “Violent” To Justify Use Of EA

Ministers Bill Blair and Marco Mendicino’s testimonies will not play well with the public, and they are not setting up their boss, Justin Trudeau, very well when he has to testify at the commission. 

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Liberals Refuse To Release Information On Which MPs Received Election Resources From China

Conservative MPs Michael Cooper, Dane Lloyd, and Richard Lehoux all asked the government why Justin Trudeau continues to refuse to publicly release evidence of election interference during the 2019 federal election, but Liberal Parliamentary Secretary Pam Damoff could only respond with platitudes about keeping Canadian elections safe.

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Polling Shows Canadians Are Moving Strongly Against Mass Immigration

Immigration has been a touchy issue in Canada for the past couple of decades. People who take issue with the number of immigrants coming to Canada were automatically labeled as being “fringe” or “extreme” by the media and political establishments, but in spite of this Canadians are still becoming far more skeptical about immigration. 

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WATCH: Chinese President Xi Jinping Talks To Justin Trudeau Like A Bad Employee

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be a political leader in Canada, but whenever he is abroad Trudeau has always come across like a minimum wage worker nervously trying to seek the approval of his managers, and not succeeding.

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Danielle Smith Fires Alberta Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw

In a move that will satisfy a lot of Conservative voters in Alberta who became fed-up with the Alberta government’s draconian approach to COVID-19 restrictions and mandates between 2020 and early 2022 Premier Danielle Smith fired Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw.

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Polls Show Conservatives Could Win Majority – Liberals Underperform With Key Demographics

Since Carlton MP Pierre Poilievre was elected as the new Conservative Party leader the CPC has taken a significant lead over the Liberals in polling, but it is the Liberals’ polling specifically that demonstrates why Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s days in office may be numbered.

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Ontario Union Strikers Block Toronto Streets And Handi Buses

Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) workers decided to block transit lanes yesterday, in a strike action to try and force the Ontario provincial government to negotiate with them for higher wages and more benefits.

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Doug Ford Once Again Caves To The Teacher Unions He Has Enabled For Years

Doug Ford in the face of this authoritarian language from the CUPE leadership said that the unions should trust his government to repeal Bill 28 on November 14 (when the next sitting of the legislature begins) because they have “never had a better partner” than his government.

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