Alberta CPC MP’s Voted that Quebec can be a Nation Within a Nation. And You’re Going to Pay for it….

Here now is the meat and potatoes part. Every single Western Conservative MP present that day voted Yay on Bill C-96. Every single one. In other words, every MP that we elected in 2019 to represent our peoples’ best interests found it appropriate to vote that Quebec should be permitted to establish its own country within Canada.

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The Senate is Canada’s Symbol of Stagnation and Needs to be Reformed

Therein lies the major issue, senator appointments. Each Prime Minister relishes the task of senate appointments, it is a legacy appointment. The appointed senator will typically endure long after the Prime Minister has been voted out or left public life.

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Erin O’Toole has Shifted Left and Away from Western Canadians

Many who watched the recent Conservative Party convention found themselves in disbelief. I am not an exception to this. I watched as Erin O’Toole firmly laid the foundation for policies few in the West support. Chiefly among them, a further alienated Western Canada.

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