Trudeau Is Threatening Liberal & NDP MPs With Election If They Vote Against Emergencies Act

Written By Wyatt Claypool, Posted on February 22, 2022

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau knows his use of the Emergencies Act is extremely unpopular with the majority of Canadians and realizes the only way he can have his use of the act approved is by making political threats. 

Trudeau on the day of the vote on the use of the Emergencies Act dumbed heavily implied he would be arbitrarily making the vote a confidence vote, meaning that if it fails a new election would have to be called. It is the behaviour of a political thug. 

Trudeau is trying to intimidate Liberal and NDP MPs who have a principle or two left into voting to approve his use of the Emergencies Act or face potential failure at the ballot box, and sadly it may just work.

Despite Trudeau not outright saying that the vote on the Emergencies Act will be a confidence vote, two Liberal MPs have said the only reason they will vote to approve the use of the Act is to avoid a new election. 

All the Liberal and NDP MPs who privately or even publicly oppose the Emergencies Act have been put in a lose-lose scenario. If they vote for the Act they are supporting Trudeau’s baseless power-grab, and if they vote against it they could be kicked out of their party and or fail to win reelection.

This whole situation points to a sickness in Canada’s political system. Not only does our Parliamentary system allow for the Prime Minister to use confidence votes to threaten MPs into voting against the interests of their constituents, but the current crop of sitting Liberal and NDP MPs seemed to be too cowardly to push back against such threats.  

NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh lacks all the courage that previous NDP leaders had. Conservatives are of course no fans of the NDP but past leaders like Tommy Douglas or Jack Layton would have never bent over backward like this for Justin Trudeau.

The NDP will be reluctantly voting in favour of the Emergencies Act as things currently stand, which feels like a major undermining of the NDP’s working-class roots since the Act was used to quash a protest made up of the forgotten working-class. 

Currently, there is a movement online to pressure the NDP to back off of their support for the Emergencies Act, and a protest has already formed outside Singh’s constituency office in Burnaby. 

Hopefully, some courage will be found among the Liberal and NDP MPs and they will join the Conservatives, Bloc Québécois, and Green MPs to defeat Justin Trudeau’s dangerous power-grab. If it isn’t found then Canada will be headed towards a very dark period in our history.

Wyatt Claypool

Wyatt is a student at Mount Royal University, where he is the president of its Campus Conservative club. In his writing, he focuses on covering provincial and federal politics, firearms regulation, and the energy sector. Wyatt has also previously written for The Post Millennial.

4 responses to “Trudeau Is Threatening Liberal & NDP MPs With Election If They Vote Against Emergencies Act”

  1. John Bearwalking says:

    Grow some balls ndp and liberals and vote against this tyrant stop thinking of yourself and think of the people your ment to represent your get more respect if not you made your choice and you have only yourself to blame for what happens

  2. John Bearwalking says:

    Grow some balls ndp and liberals and vote against this tyrant stop thinking of yourself and think of the people your ment to represent your get more respect if not you made your choice and you have only yourself to blame for what happens

  3. John Bearwalking says:

    Grow some balls ndp and liberals and vote against this tyrant stop thinking of yourself and think of the people your ment to represent your get more respect if not you made your choice and you have only yourself to blame for what happens

  4. Edward Hocaluk says:

    I hope the ndp come to their senses and good liberals to stop this needless power grab. You must use your own judgement on what is right. The Liberals are not that bad only their leader is the problem and the true NDP’s were always for the working class and lower earning class but their leader should look in the mirror and wonder where his principals are. He is not helping his party by joining Trudeau. He too seems to want some kind of under the table power grab. All good NDP’s should vote with their judgement and maybe next election could become the offical opposition and become more liked by the people of this country.