RCMP hero dies in the line of duty responding to mass shooting in Nova Scotia.

Written By Guest User, Posted on April 20, 2020

In order to prevent an increase in copycat crimes, TNT does not publish the names of mass murderer’s.

A mass shooting has taken place in Nova Scotia, starting late Saturday evening and continuing well into Sunday morning.

The shooter, a 51 year old man, has been killed by police after a hours long chase through multiple towns over the course of a 100km journey. 

Many of the details are still coming in, as the RCMP start to process the various crime scenes, collect data, and interview witnesses. Here’s what we know so far: 

  • UPDATE: It is now confirmed that at least 18 people have been killed, not including the shooter.

  • The shooting spree started in Portapique, N.S. and ended at a gas station on Enfield, N.S. 

  • A 23 year RCMP veteran, Const. Heidi Stevenson, was killed in the line of duty responding to the shooter. She leaves behind a husband and two children. 

  • Another RCMP officer was injured and taken to hospital with non life threatening injuries. 

  • Police do not believe the shooting was random, as the shooter was dressed up as an RCMP officer and was driving a vehicle made to look like a RCMP cruiser. 

  • The RCMP believe this to be a lone wolf incident, at least at the time of reporting. 

  • Several witnesses confirmed that they saw three separate fires in the area of the shooting. 

  • The shooter was shot and killed while travelling southbound on Highway 102 in a silver Chevrolet Tracker. The investigation has been turned over to Nova Scotia’s independent police watchdog, the Serious Incident Response Team or SiRT.

  • The police describe the shooter as white, bald man, with green eyes and standing 6’2” or 6’3” tall. He was a denturist with a business in Dartmouth, N.S. 


The shooter’s denture clinic, in Dartmouth, N.S.

The shooter’s denture clinic, in Dartmouth, N.S.

What we don’t know yet: 

  • The motive for the shooting

  • The past criminal history of the shooter

  • Where the shooter obtained his gun(s), what kind they were and how he purchased them. 

  • All the locations of the shootings and where the victims died.

  • The total amount of people injured or killed in this attack 

Various politicians weighed in the shooting with Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil calling it “one of the most senseless acts of violence” in the history of the province. “To the families of the victims and those that are feeling afraid, my heart goes out to you,” said McNeil.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau offered his condolences saying “My heart goes out to everyone affected in what is a terrible situation. I want to thank the police for their hard work and people for cooperating with authorities.” 

This is an ongoing news story and will be updated as more details are revealed.

Guest User

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