COVID-19 crisis demonstrates how wasteful the Liberal gun buyback will be

Written By Guest User, Posted on April 2, 2020

As Canada and the rest of the world pours their resources into fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing is increasingly clear to everyone: if and when another crisis like this appears, we need to be much more prepared. 

How should we prepare? Well, that’s for governments to sort out and consult the experts on. All we know as average Canadian taxpayers is that, prepared or not, fighting a global pandemic costs a lot of money. Our political leaders need to be wise about how they spend taxpayer dollars during good times so that we are able to spend the billions needed to fight whatever crisis appears in the future. 

One such example of what not to spend our money on is the Liberal’s promised gun buyback program. The buyback, which would focus on “military-style assault rifles”, according to the Liberal Party’s platform, is estimated to cost anywhere from $400 to $600 million and would buy back an estimated 250,000 firearms. 

The National Firearms Association estimates costs will double or triple that figure, possibly exceeding $2 billion. So far, the Liberals have only budgeted $250 million to cover the cost of this campaign promise. Underestimating the cost of an already wasteful and fruitless promise is not what a responsible government would do. 

The list of firearms that are considered dangerous “assault weapons” is still being developed, according to Public Safety Minister Bill Blair. Could it include your firearm? Only time will tell which firearms fall under the loose category of “military-grade” according to the Trudeau government. 

Would such a buyback ever be worth it? Well, the data on the results in Australia is mixed at best. While there was an overall decrease in gun deaths, from 2.9 per 100,000 people to 0.9 per 100,000, pinning down the exact reasons for such a decline is next to impossible. 

To put those numbers in context, Canada’s death by firearms rate is 2.0 per 100,000. However, if you remove suicides from that number, it falls to just 0.79 per 100,000. In comparison to the American rate of 12.21 per 100,000, nevermind the socialist disaster state of Venezuela’s absurd rate of 49.22 per 100,000, Canada is a very safe country. 

New Zealand, which instituted its own buyback program last year following the deadly Christchurch terror attack, has a death by firearms rate of only 1.07 per 100,000. If you remove suicides from that number, it falls to 0.16 per 100,000. That’s equivalent to only three in every 2 million New Zealanders! Despite the atrocities of Christchurch, it’s hard to see how a buyback could push that number any lower. 

In addition to not being effective and costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars, of which thousands of law-abiding Canadian firearms owners have already contributed to, it also takes legal and regulated firearms away from those who have gone through the proper channels to acquire them. 

As we’ve covered here at TNT before, purchasing a firearm is not a quick or cheap process in Canada. There are courses to take, licenses to register for, paperwork to file, gun safes to buy and fees to pay – especially if you’re looking to purchase the types of firearms the Liberals are looking to target. 

Enacting a buyback program is a wasteful and draconian response to the issue of firearm deaths. Focusing on the source of the crime, the criminal gangs that are responsible for the vast amount of gun crime in Canada, as the government has begun to do, is a much more promising policy measure. 

During a time of crisis, the Trudeau government must act in a responsible and unifying manner. Continuing with their buyback plan not only fails to do that, but it also wastes precious government resources that need to be allocated towards saving lives, not harassing law-abiding Canadians. 

Guest User

5 responses to “COVID-19 crisis demonstrates how wasteful the Liberal gun buyback will be”

  1. BMB says:

    Your comment "How should we prepare? Well, that’s for governments to sort out" could not be further from what should happen. It is up to every individual to prepare. There is very little, if any, help from the government. Individual freedoms will continue to be limited by the governments and removed for "in the public interest."
    In the time of this pandemic it is very important to watch the government very closely as our rights and freedoms are removed. Yes we all must do what is necessary to remove the spread of this viral bug, but be aware of this government hidden actions.

  2. 1AB says:

    Well written LH, keep up the great journalism that other MSM seem to shun(truth) and in turn prostitute themselves to the government’s narrative. Instead of having journalistic morals, and earning their way with transparency and resolute.

    Stay safe, healthy, and all the best to you and yours throughout the CV19 epidemic.

    Fight the good fight.



  3. 308Pete says:

    Yes, well written and even toned! If Trudeau tries to ‘buys back’ 250,000 AR-15’s, what about the other 100,000 or more from the 1960’s, 70’s, 80’s and early 90’s that were never registered? But a question that has not be raised is how to do it and if owners will receive a Police Property Receipts, or some cops will steal them and owners will be on the hook for a cop crime. If cops come to homes to get them, expect big problems, strong arming owners, theft, loss of life, etc! But if owners visit cops shops on appointment to turn them in for a Police Property Receipt the invasion of privacy will be less. Back before 1995, restricteds where transferred via a visit to a Firearms officer at the cop shop, this would be the best of the worst. Of course, Trudeau fails to realize, once banned, AR-15s will be status guns for gangs to smuggle into Canada, but he does not care!

  4. RDP says:

    "During a time of crisis, the Trudeau government must act in a responsible and unifying manner. Continuing with their buyback plan not only fails to do that, but it also wastes precious government resources that need to be allocated towards saving lives, not harassing law-abiding Canadians."

    Missing the point here. Continuing with their buyback plan is deliberate and geared toward a precise result. The Trudeau government is not one to pass up the opportunity to kick law-abiding citizens when they can’t fight back.

  5. Serge B. says:

    We must be very careful because through what we are all living with this pandemic hides something more pernicious is the loss of our individual freedoms. We are in the antechamber of a totalitarian government. This man at the head of our country would be the first dictator of Canada.